Too often we are more like a pile of bricks than a wall that is made up of bricks that are properly placed and lining up with one another.
My special role in the body of Christ is to help connect 'bricks' in the 'wall' that God is building. I have been working at this for many years. At first I thought that if we simply give believers the opportunity to extend God's Kingdom, they would be able to do it. I found that many believers don't really understand what their place is in the 'wall' or the body. Many do not have know how to join properly and productively to other believers. And so, we remain a pile of bricks instead of the wall that God intends.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Last year, a group of about 40 believers pioneered a new way to relate. The entire group is called 'The Vine'. We met in small groups: over lunch, over coffee, etc., weekly with one simple focus. Our focus was to connect... each other God his Purpose for us.
And, this is what we found. Direction, purposes, calling and fruit. We tracked what God was telling us to do.
We are in days that are very critical to the overall plan of God.
It is critical that we take a deliberate approach to find and fulfill our calling - our individual and collective calling.
What has God spoke to your heart about your special 'assignment'?
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My burden is hurting, abused, hungry, homeless, sick, family-less children and elderly.
My passion is being around, teaching and organizing ministries for children and finding unique ways to meet needs of individuals in my community and support for global aid workers.
My vision is touching the future by using my gifts to plan, promote, organize, support and work with organizations, groups and other individuals who minister to children, elderly, homeless and struggling families; domestically and internationally. To bring Christ's love and joy into their lives and help them understand their worth and ability to bring glory to his Kingdom.
When Juanita was asking me to consider coming back to Kngdom I was comfrotably situated in as the principal of a Christian School. As I prayed about it I felt that it s God calling me to go back to Kingdom. I didnt' know why at the time, but I followed that call. It wasn't long that I found myself researching and designing Kingdom's Visitor Retention Program. It was a lot of reading, research, and writing, which are things I love to do. But the real purpose of my coming back to Kingdom wasn't truly made known to me until I started working with the churches in presenting the Visitor Retention Program. Several of the churchees took off to a great starta and began growing rapidly. This was happening much faster than I imagined that it would, or that it had been happening in myh own church. I knew then that God had plans to use me to help churches succeed by learning how to serve well the guests that He was sending to the churches. I am very humbled by what I see God doing through the Visitor Retention Program. This is God at work, I feel fortunate be a part of it.
Primarily servant and helps with teacher thrown in. Often function in intercessory worship or just intercession. You see I can help them, note a problem and then start praying for them. Or sometimes I am worshiping and start praying for others.
My calling is in a small community in the Texas Hill Country, in Lakehills, Texas. I serve as a pastor of a church here and operate a rapidly growing food pantry along with what we call Operation Blessing, where we take donated items, such as clothing, housewares, dishes, furniture, kitchen appliances and even vehicles and give them to the people that are in need.
I have pastored for about 15 years and about 15 years as an evangelist. Honestly, there is very little difference. As Johnny Berguson says, "If we aren't getting people saved, why are we here?"
If we are not doing the work as an evangeliswt in everything that we do, then we are missing out on one of the greatest callings of this world.
In a brief statement, we want to change the way people live, from the spiritual realm to the physical. Our Church name is Center For H.O.P.E., which stands for Center For Helping Other People Excel. Our website, gives a very good description of this vast ministry and also the sermons that are preached are there to listen to or download.
God, bless Your servants in the calling that you have given them.
Restorative prayer, prayer and intimacy through prayer...teaching it, doing it, facilitating it...focusing on teaching youth and young people how to pray and hear God....bringing multi-generational FREEDOM.
Show me kids, youth, adults, grandma, and grandpas all praying together and I will show you a melted heart! No..not my heart...God's heart. Ok, my heart too...
A SAMUEL'S AWAKENING...where our young people suddenly realize that they don't have to be old to hear God, and be used by Him.....where they hear God in the quiet of the night, and begin to share God's heart with all generations.
I am called as an evangelist. People tell me that I witness to everyone who moves. Well, maybe not every single person, but as many as possible. If we aren't getting people saved, why are we here? Plus, the Lord has placed me in the role of a marketplace minister. I find great satisfaction in helping churches be more fruitful!
I suppose to sum it all up as briefly as possible would be that he has called me to restore the lost thingsa of the Spirit to the church. That is pretty much a direct quote. As a church planter, pastor or overseer or apostle we have begun to do this in our small corner of the MS. Gulf Coast within a local church called Faithwalk Fellowship of Jesus Christ.
My passion is being around, teaching and organizing ministries for children and finding unique ways to meet needs of individuals in my community and support for global aid workers.
My vision is touching the future by using my gifts to plan, promote, organize, support and work with organizations, groups and other individuals who minister to children, elderly, homeless and struggling families; domestically and internationally. To bring Christ's love and joy into their lives and help them understand their worth and ability to bring glory to his Kingdom.
I have pastored for about 15 years and about 15 years as an evangelist. Honestly, there is very little difference. As Johnny Berguson says, "If we aren't getting people saved, why are we here?"
If we are not doing the work as an evangeliswt in everything that we do, then we are missing out on one of the greatest callings of this world.
In a brief statement, we want to change the way people live, from the spiritual realm to the physical. Our Church name is Center For H.O.P.E., which stands for Center For Helping Other People Excel. Our website, gives a very good description of this vast ministry and also the sermons that are preached are there to listen to or download.
God, bless Your servants in the calling that you have given them.
Show me kids, youth, adults, grandma, and grandpas all praying together and I will show you a melted heart! No..not my heart...God's heart. Ok, my heart too...
A SAMUEL'S AWAKENING...where our young people suddenly realize that they don't have to be old to hear God, and be used by Him.....where they hear God in the quiet of the night, and begin to share God's heart with all generations.