I LOVE Worship Music. I am constantly on YouTube searching for new stuff to download and teach our Worship Team.
Here are my favorite Worship Songs as of right now...this will probably change in a week!
10. Will Reagan and The United Pursuit Band- "Set A Fire"
This song is all about wanting more of God! Our Church does this song and its a great song for bringing corporate Worship as the Church comes together to sing their love and heart's desire for more of Jesus.
9. Misty Edwards- "You Won't Relent"
This song speaks of how much God wants us, which in itself is a humbling thought! He wants us so much and He won't relent until He has all of us! He is a jealous God! His love for us is so deep and He wants to consume us!
8. Misty Edwards and David Brymer- "My Soul Longs for You"
This song is a cry of desperation and longing for Jesus! I love this song!
7. Jason Upton- "In Your Presence"
I love love love this song.Its one of my favorite "soaking" songs. In Jesus' Presencethere is no fear, just love!
6. Matt Gilman- "Let it Rain"
One of my favorite songs of all time. So simple, but a cry for God to RAIN, to pour out on His people!
5. Jeremy Riddle and Steffany Frizzel- "One Thirst"
A cry for God to come, reveal His Glory!
4. Kari Jobe- You Are Good
A reminder that no matter what is going on in life, GOD IS ALWAYS, ALWAYS GOOD!
3. Kari Jobe-"Revelation Song"
I have been leading this song in Church for a few years now, it NEVER gets old! Its Revelation 5 in song form! How can you tire from singing about who God is and His attributes!
2. Jason Upton- "Fly"
Obsessed with this song. Its so prophetic! I crave new atmospheres, levels and places in God! To discover places in God that I didn't even know existed! Phenomenal song!
1. Amanda Falk- "I Will Exalt"
This is another song that never gets old to me. Singing about who God is, his Greatness and how awesome He is in general. Its ALL about Him!