A year and a half ago I sat in a meeting. The speaker is noted across the nation for his keen insight into world events and their impact on our interests, as believers. His predictions of what was to come for America were grim. They are grim unless an answer to our dilemma is provided. He looked across the room and said, “I believe that there are people who have the answer! I believe they will come forward!” I was there with a small group of believers. We wanted to stand up, just as Jesus did when scriptures were read foretelling of his coming. We wanted to stand and say, “This problem has been solved today; we have the solution!” We didn’t stand. Was that a mistake? I don’t know.
What I am sure of is that God has provided a storehouse with provisions for the famine that is in the land. What is the famine? In our great nation, goodness and godliness are missing… Instead there is godlessness: Godlessness in government; godlessness in our schools, in the media, in entertainment.
God doesn’t leave his people without a provision. He has provided a storehouse. His storehouse is readily available. What we take from the storehouse will, of course, as it always does, depend on when we visit it. If we go soon, it could be that the tide of godlessness will be turned. People measure the decline of nations in phases or cycles. Each cycle has its characteristics. The characteristics that are the hallmark of this generation show a nation in decline, serious decline. When a nation is in serious decline, the end quickly draws near. What hallmarks show that a nation is in a declining state of health? To mention a few: abortion, unbridled sexual activity, affirmation of deviant behaviors, etc.
Did you know that in recorded history there has never been a case of a nation in this serious state of decline that reversed its course and became healthy again? Our nation is speeding toward failing, collapsing economy, failed marriages and families; increasing godlessness everywhere. If our nation fails, there is no doubt that we will go to the storehouse. Perhaps if we go to the storehouse out of choice, early and in all seriousness, it may be that God will have mercy on our land. I wonder… might God honor the faith of our forefathers who founded this as a Christian nation and allow us to bring what is needed from the storehouse?
So, what is God’s storehouse? Why, it’s you. You may say, “Me? ME? You can’t be serious! I can’t do much.” That may be true. Each of us can only do a little. But, the combined ‘you’, all of us have this precious promise…
Scripture tells us that Christ’s divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (2 Peter 1:3) It doesn’t say he has given ‘me’, singular, or ‘you’ singular all we need, but he has give ‘us’ all we need. Scripture tells us that ‘we’ are the temple, we are the living stones of the spiritual temple. We are the temple, the storehouse! Through us, the church, the body of Christ, he intends to make his wisdom known. For such a day as this, we need his wisdom. And, as the Holy Spirit empowers and guides us, we are God’s plan-the body of Christ, is God’s plan to do the work of extending the Kingdom, pushing back the works of the enemy, delivering people from the kingdom of darkness, transferring them to the Kingdom of light. It is his plan that we are successful in the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, including our own. (1 Cor. 3:16, I Peter 2:5, I Cor. 1:13, Matthew 28:19)
We see this drawing together of believers everywhere. Many of the gathering look more like salt in the salt shaker than a cohesive body assembling to do the work of the Kingdom.
This is changing ~ in North Central, Pennsylvania… There IS a plan! We are seeing that plan unfold where in ONE community, where ONE body of believers (all of the believers) are gathering and together learning the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW of extending the Kingdom. Together we are connecting to God, to each other and to the roles he has for each of us. We expect, in this one community to see ALL those who are not believers to hear about and ‘see’ Christ in the context of a loving relationship; we expect to see ALL believers offered a opportunity to connect and rebuild the walls in their own back yards – already many are saying “Yes, I will rebuild!” In coming together, we ARE God’s storehouse ~ the treasures of his provision are hidden, but his plan has always been that his many sided wisdom be revealed through his body, us!
If this can happen in one community ~ it can happen in every community.
I was going to vote for McCain in 08 tell he picked Sarah Palin. Can't vote for anyone that believes the earth is 6000 years old.
In a country where 49% of U.S. adults don't know how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun we have every right to be scared of Newt and Sarah Palin.The people in America are dumbed down to much as is.
I'll paray to the Invisible Pink Unicorn that your eyelids get opened as well.
Ps. it takes a year or 365.25 days for the earth to orbit the sun.
Sis said:
Hmm, so Newt truly repented his sin of screwing around on wife number one then truly repented again of the sin of screwing around on wife number two.
The Catholic Church has singed off saying evolution is real. I give them extra points for that. I also have no problem with homosexuals in the least. I support them being able to marry adoupt kids and be Cub Scout Leaders.
The old saying goes,"Shame on you if you fool me once, Shame on me if you fool me twice . What ya say when fooled a third, fourth,or more times? forgive again???
Newt Gingrich Leaves 30-Year Trail Of Debts, Lawsuits And Bankruptcies In His Wake
It's past time to stop forgiving this man till he earns forgiveness.
Did you read the rest of that post to understand why I said that? It was a Christian lying to her child that yelled at my son because he told this boy the truth of where babies come from. This Christian told my son I lyed to him. She was the lyer. She was the one with a problem with where babies come from.
I am not a Christian. Even when I was I never believed the Bible was to be taken literally. It is a losy science book.
The fact that many a christian would still vote for Newt is a big part of the problem with Christians. Their seems to be as many closet gays in the republican party as their is in the Catholic church..
Newt is finished. His campain in broke, amassing almost $4.5 million in debt.Bounced a check in Utah.
Newt Gingrich may not appear on the ballot for the June 26 Utah primary, after a $500 check - the required filing fee - bounced, an official said.
State election director Mark Thomas told ABC News that a $500 check given by the Gingrich campaign to secure his place on the Utah ballot bounced on March 27.
Newt is no Christian./ Newt was cheating on wife while leading the charge to impeach President Bill Clinton ... that if you cheat on your wife, you'll cheat on your business partner."
Newt does love people like you.Hmmm ya got a young daughter Newt is always looking for his next wife...
Hmm, It appears that God's plan is to see how many fundamentalist Christians will vote for a Mormon this fall.
I must confess,I find the whole thing very amusing.
I feel that most religious fundamentalists will vote for Romney (the Mormon) this fall out of fear that Obama will win if they don't. I find thisamusing because it was this kind of thinking that got Obama elected in the first place.
This november we have a choice," socialism or religious Theocracy" I vote for socialism.
I agree! But, I don't think we need to come under the same judgement """IF""" we learn to live as God's people!!!
Steve Belttari said:
John Wesley said that people should be admonished to be industrious, because this is scriptural. People do what the preacher teaches them and produce wealth. This leads to complacency, which then leads to sin, judgment and repentance. Then the cycle repeats itself. I think the USA is at the judgment stage of the cycle and the Lord is going to use the Ekklesia to judge the nation.
Hmmmm... it sounds like you think we should be SALT and LIGHT. What a novel thought!!!
Jason Edmonds said:
So true. Get involed in government, every little part helps. And by commiting yourself to work according to His Will, there is no force on earth that could prevent His plan from coming into fruition! God is in control, and He wants to use us to reach all people to show His love.
For tweeting: http://j.mp/GodsPlan