We live in a nation that has a huge financial deficit. Our government also gives money to the poor within our borders. Often we send money to help other governments get on thier feet. We spend money to send soldiers to free people from oppresive governments. Does any of this line up with the financial stewarship instructions in the Bible? Is it worth it to help those worse off than ourselves while incurring a huge debt? Is it Biblical?

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  • It is the individual Christian's job to give more than they receive weather monetary, general acts of kindness, or spiritual gifts. The government should only be using the money for the military, and to secure freedom, life, and justice.

    So Sherri, you would look to the Church to meet the needs of the old and disabled?
  • It is the individual Christian's job to give more than they receive weather monetary, general acts of kindness, or spiritual gifts. The government should only be using the money for the military, and to secure freedom, life, and justice.

    God often uses a country's military might as judgment against others, like he will do to the Mystery Babylon Nation (Jer 50,51 Rev 17, 18, Isa, Han, Mic etc..) when he calls on the world to fire their weapons (arrows) upon her making her burn and forever desolate, like Sodom & Gomorrah.
  • Sounds like some of these churches failed to follow Biblical advice and over extended themselves. The questionable moral behavior certainly didn't help them. Thanks Mary Anne.
  • Whoa, I can't believe this question has not received an answer!!!! This is an important question!!!
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