Phil 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.
1 Thess 5:21-22 Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.
Oh how often we say, “I can’t tell when something is right or wrong”, or “I really don’t think such and such is sin”. Well think on this, ANYTHING that puts a blotch on the absolute purity of God is sin. Through the years a lot of us have been given incomplete lists of do’s and don’ts of what is sin and what is not. Again, sin is ANYTHING short of God’s perfection. That means for instance that if I say something disparaging about another person I have sinned. And quite a different example; Corkie Hahn, founder of the Presidential Prayer Team, says that many Christians (???) have withdrawn from the team since January of 2009 because they refuse to pray for Mr. Obama. Friends, that is sin. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority,” (1 Tim 2:1-2) We tend to pick and choose what we see as sin, but we had better look at The Bible and weigh everything in light of what GOD says. When we begin to trust the Lord and His Word instead of our personal thoughts and preferences we will live free from the bondage of legalism and trying to measure up. “He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life”.(2 Cor 3:6) No list and no self effort will ever bring contentment or fulfillment. We need to realize that Satan and the demonic world love it when we all follow some list instead of the Word of God for then we are weak and ineffective. If we measure everything against God’s standard and allow Him to direct our every step, then we will know the abundant life He intends for us.
Scripture NIV
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My dear brother in Christ,
That is exactly what the church has been needing to hear. They may not have wanted it, but they do need it. I do not exclude myself either because there are times that I shouldn't be talking but should be praying instead for the leaders of this nation and for all of the nations. Just like the issue with homosexuality and gay marriages; yes, we need to show that we are against it, but name calling and people bashing because they believe in something that is totally wrong. We need to use the power of prayer in everything and pray for the gay people because it is the sin and their beliefs that is wrong; but, the people themselves are worth saving and were saved 2,000 years ago when Christ paid the price. These people do not realize that they are saved so they haven't accepted God's gift of grace. Having the privilege to use the authority of Jesus' name is so awesome and we are so privileged to be able to do that and come to Him in prayer for everything.
We must always pray for our leaders as the Bible says. I know it is hard right now, because it appears that there are ones in government that are so far from the Word of God it put your head in a spin at times and breaks your heart. The best thing we can do is use Daniel and his friends as an example. This is what I do to keep myself in line. We must pray and respect, but we do not have to do anything that goes against God's Word. If laws are passed that do this, some of us may end up in the lions den or the furnace. If this happens we have to stand our ground, but do it with respect and the way Jesus did it when they were persecuting Him. It is a very fine line, but we must walk it. God is still in control and there is some reason the leaders are placed where they are. We have to just keep our faith and trust Him. I am glad that He is God and I do not have His responsibility. I would not have as much patience with what people are doing as He does. But, this is how much He loves us. And meditating on this makes me love Him even more. His love for us is beyond understandable. But where would all of us be if He did give up on us?
Thanks for the reminder and continuation of your theme. Funny how we only want to pray for those we like. Scripture also tells us that the Lord controls the hearts of the Kings (or leaders). If nothing else, we can all pray that the Lord will change Obama's heart.
Thanks for the reminder and continuation of your theme.
Funny how we only want to pray for those we like. Scripture also tells us that the Lord controls the hearts of the Kings (or leaders). If nothing else, we can all pray that the Lord will change Obama's heart.
That is exactly what the church has been needing to hear. They may not have wanted it, but they do need it. I do not exclude myself either because there are times that I shouldn't be talking but should be praying instead for the leaders of this nation and for all of the nations. Just like the issue with homosexuality and gay marriages; yes, we need to show that we are against it, but name calling and people bashing because they believe in something that is totally wrong. We need to use the power of prayer in everything and pray for the gay people because it is the sin and their beliefs that is wrong; but, the people themselves are worth saving and were saved 2,000 years ago when Christ paid the price. These people do not realize that they are saved so they haven't accepted God's gift of grace. Having the privilege to use the authority of Jesus' name is so awesome and we are so privileged to be able to do that and come to Him in prayer for everything.
Awesome Message,
Ev. Dwayne Gobin
Your Sister in Christ
Funny how we only want to pray for those we like. Scripture also tells us that the Lord controls the hearts of the Kings (or leaders). If nothing else, we can all pray that the Lord will change Obama's heart.