Today my wife and I watched a lecture on discipleship- here is the video-
What I really loved about this video was two things- how it breaks down levels of belief and what I will call levels of self-discipline-
Belief is at three levels-
1. Public Declaration- yes I believe Christ is King
Don't necessarily have to believe this to say this.
2. Private Conviction- yes I know I believe Christ is King
We sincerely believe we 'believe' something, but we may not be actually living our belief
3. Core- We believe it so much this belief is reflected in our living- We live a life that reflects we believe Christ is King.
The Core believer, the one who is authentically living out Christ, does so because they know they have ALREADY been blessed- while they were yet sinners, while they yet denied Christ, He came to save them- Their lives are a reflection of amazement and awe that they were ever saved at all, unworthy as they are of such saving grace.
The other part of this video I loved was levels of self discipline- I learned a lot about my own walk and how to self examine myself in my own walk to be more like Christ and less like Paul- they call it three levels of will
1. Impulsive Will- just acting on emotions
2. Reflective Will- making a conscious choice to reflect a will that is not led by emotions- for Christians- making a choice to act in a way that reflects Christ
3. Embedded Will- no longer having to make a conscious choice- the will is so embedded in you that it is now a 'natural' expression of who you are
So when I look at my walk I can discern my character as a measure of the will to submit myself to Christ and His way, to be more like him- where I act impulsively, where I am governend by emotions, I live impulsively, cutting myself off from growing in Christ in that part of my character
When I can observe that I am making a conscious choice to deny an ungodly impulse and follow Christ's way, I know I am living at the reflective will level. This is good. I am preparing, through submission to Christ, another part of my flesh for death so that Christ might live.
Where I can observe a transformation from making an effort to CHOOSE to reflect Christ to simply walking in Christ's Way, then I know there is a part of my flesh that has died and Christ lives more in me.
I wanted to congregate today with my wife and daughter but my wife's back was bothering her- She was very uncomfortable for most of the day. So instead of congregating, we watched that video together and talked about how we might learn from it how we can be better disciples, and, consequently, better disciple makers.
We as a family helped our daughter Nela make a video, a silly video, which I will post here at the end- The video required Nela to do a lot of preparation work and it took about two hours from preparation to editing and posting on youtube for a 4 minute video. I taught Nela that the work we do with excellence requires a lot of discipline and planning. In this instance, a very moderate level of discipline and planning required 2 hours of work for 4 minutes of fruit- a 4 minute video. This, to me, was preparing my dauughter to understand the concept of committing ourselves to a disciplined life.
This is my diary entry today- as I write more of these I hope to learn the most effective types of sharing I can provide to help others see my daily pursuit of living, learning, teaching, extending, proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
Ohhh.. I LOVE the video! It is so cute!!!