Pondering Abrahams blessing

Let's see it's the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Never the God of Ishmeal though he is the son of Abraham and a hand maiden. Ever ponder why?
Wonder if the blessings that flow through the Abrahams familiy line also benefit those who descend from Ishmeal?

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  • Thanks.
    In some ways, what a sad Word, that everyone would be against him!. Guess this is where I see a fork in the road regarding the different view points. Thinking this also explains the hatred and desire to control that some Arabic Muslim nations have for Christians and Jews.
  • Gen. 16 vs 10-12 says:

    And the angel of the Lord said unto her(Hagar), I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.
    And the angel of the Lord said unto her, behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.
    And he will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

    vs 12 would seem to indicate Muslim nations, but I've always thought of Ishmael's descendants to be Arab, and many Muslim nations are not Arabic. It is God's goodness that leads to repentance, so I think that there were many blessings of God to Ishmael's descendants before Christ, that led them to an incomplete knowledge of God, the complete knowledge of God could only be found in Christ. It was the same for the Jews in the old testament, the law gave them a shadow of things to come, not the realities themselves, which could only come with Jesus Christ.

    Lisa said:
    I thought so. Continuing this train of thought, I think some say that the Muslim nations descended through Ishmeal. That would mean that these would be some of the many nationions that were fathered through Abraham. The way I understand it, this blessing was given well before the birth of Isreal (Jacob) let alone Christ. Am thinking that this means these blessings would be available to Ishmeal's descendants even without belief in Christ and salvation.
  • Steve,
    I thought so. Continuing this train of thought, I think some say that the Muslim nations descended through Ishmeal. That would mean that these would be some of the many nationions that were fathered through Abraham. The way I understand it, this blessing was given well before the birth of Isreal (Jacob) let alone Christ. Am thinking that this means these blessings would be available to Ishmeal's descendants even without belief in Christ and salvation.
  • God also made a promise to Ishmeal that great nations would descend from him. The blessings that flow through Abraham's family line(Jesus Christ) are also available to the descendents of Ishmeal.
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