This is all just my personal Opinion and am not passing this off as Fact or a "thus sayeth the Lord" kinda thing. LOL.
If God knew every single thing we were going to do before we did it then we would not have free will.
If God knew then we would not have choices.
The bIble says that when God told Abraham to take Isaac up to the mountain to sacrifice him Abraham did so and just before he was to kill him God intervened and said to Abraham, "12 "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear
God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." Genesis 22.
God did not know for sure how much Abraham loved Him so he tested Him. God then said, "NOW I KNOW" which would mean that God did not know for sure how much Abraham loved Him.
On another note. If God knew that a person was going to deny Him and go to hell why would GOd have created Him to exist? The Word says in 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to
perish, but wants everyone to repent." God would be contradicting Himself if He said he didnt desire for any to perish but knew they would anyways.
Also, take into consideration death for instance. Say there was a Man of God with 12 children who went around the world doing Gods Work and all of a sudden a plane he was on crashed. Does that mean that God intended that to happen? If you believe in pre-destination then that would mean yes God intended it to happen. Which would mean God was unjust and unfair. However, if you look at it through Biblical Perspective you would see that God is a Just and Loving Father and He does not go around doing things like that.
Now I know people want to quote verses that say God knows everything and God knows all. Which those are true. God knows everything that CAN BE KNOWN. How can he know something that does not exist? Our choices are not in existence so how can God know what we will do? Why does His Word say,
Deuteronomy 30:19 (New International Version)
19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you
and your children may live."
Why would God give us a choice for Life and Death if He already knew the answer? That would mean that choices were pointless and that we would not have free will but would be Gods Slaves.
Another thing. Without Choices we would be puppets. Forced to love God whether we wanted to or not. Forced to serve Him whether we wanted to or not. God wants us to choose Him,God wants us to make the choice to serve Him. If there was pre-destination then God would make our decisions for us in a round about way.
Something to think about and study. I would love feedback!!!!
My understanding of this is that God, being omnipresent,omnecient, all knowing, and ever present does know who will heed to the "drawing" of the Holy Spirit to the call of salvation. He gives free will because He wants our love "freely" given to him as His to us. Example: We can love someone with all we have, and it not be returned, we cannot make someone love us no matter what we say, what we do, or sometimes how long we wait for that love. The fact is, we still love them. This is the love of the Lord. In our finite wisdom we will never quite fully understand the fullness and grace of HIS love. One last thing, remember Jesus asked Peter 3 times "how much do you love me?" He wasn't asking cause he didn't KNOW , He was asking to make Peter aware of what it takes to follow him and the consequences he could face. Lastly, as with many of Jesus' parables, Jesus was asking to make that person think...not because Jesus didn't know the answer. Well, that's just my take on this. Be Blessed in Jesus' Love, Laura