Nothing happens without prayer. My husband Johnny and I are excited to be part of a new way to join in prayer! The concept comes from a good friend of ours who helped Mel Gibson promote “The Passion of Christ” Movie. No doubt you feel the need to pray in these challenging times. But with so many things to pray about, and so little time, how can we be more effective in our prayers? And how can we keep track of the issues, needs, or people and ministries we want to pray for all the time?. Can the internet actually help us to "pray without ceasing"? (1 Thessalonians 5:17) This question was asked by our dear friend, Dr. Cornel “Corkie” Hahn, the man who co-founded the “Presidential Prayer Team” which, after 9/11, grew to over 3 million people, to prayer for the President. Having been a facilitator for nearly 75 national networks, Corkie believes in the need for and the power of continual prayer, not just prayers we say quickly, but earnest prayer. Corkie partnered with Karl Schaller, of the Elevation Group, Inc., who took the vision of a global, web-enabled prayer network and developed a “Twitter Like” application that helps Christians to keep track of who and what they are praying for, allows individuals and groups to seek out prayer “partners”, and allows them all to make both their prayer needs and answered prayers visible. is, in a sense, sort of like an old-time prayer meeting. You know, the kind where people prayed IN EARNEST and didn’t just “talk about prayer.” Imagine such an old-fashioned prayer meeting connecting THOUSANDS, even millions, of believers, every minute of every hour of every day! Imagine pausing in the middle of a busy work day and using you phone or laptop to connect with an ongoing, POWERFUL prayer meeting! is just such a “place”, a place where you can minister to and be ministered to, a place where you can “plug in” and “recharge” anywhere, anytime, and it is extremely simple to use, even if you are not a “techie”. Sign up for FREE by going to and “clicking” on the big yellow sign to the left that says “FREE join Prayer Planet!” You will be guided, step by step, to set up your account in just a few clicks! Individuals, ministries and organizations can also set up prayer teams, and both public and private areas. Customized, even white label, “versions” of this platform are available (not free) which you can use to have your own network or even to create an easy communication tool for members or for other purposes. JOIN for FREE at www.PrayerPlanet.Net and invite your friends to partner with you in prayer!

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  • Interesting long as we don't quit gathering for those old fashioned prayer meetings. Those are important too. Like when people grab ahold of one another's hands...touching and agreeing for everything heaven holds. I love praying together with others....when that corporate anionting begins to stir in a room, and people press into bringing what's in heaven down to earth.
    Why don't we all gather together and pray anymore? Maybe it's like you said people are so content just talking about prayer. Millions of books written, countless speacilized days to pray, seminars to learn how, gimmicks and plans are marketed but where are the people who are relentless in prayer. Well...other than in thier own prayer closets.
  • For tweeting

    Hey! Pretty cool - a new way to tweet prayers & pray together!
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