I have also found myself praying, confessing my failures and sins, and lifting up our nation before God, in a manner such as I have never been led to do before; Confessing that we, as a nation, have turned our backs on Him and His Word, and asking for His forgiveness and mercy upon us; even though we have failed Him. (I was lead to read and re-read how Daniel prayed for his people and how he confessed His sin, then the sins of his people against God.)
I'm a firm believer in 1 Thess.5:18 and I stand on it's truth.
This brings me to my question: Has anyone seen God at work in our nation in a way which can only be described as His working, or doing?
I have no doubt that He is in control and that He is working, but not being as strong as I would like to be in my faith, I too have to cry out and say "Help thou my unbelief !"
In short, I really need some words of encouragement along with some examples (for lack of a better way for me to think of to say it).
I feel I should also add that I have been wondering if we, as a nation, are being chastened?
For the Word of God tells us that "He whom He loves, He chastens." (See Hebrews 12 and Revelation 3:19 for just a couple of examples.)
( To the moderator(s): I apologize if this is in the wrong category. If this is in the wrong category, please move it to the category where it should be shared under (in). Thanks. )
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Ernie Catalano said:
Even though I'm not the one who posted the comment you are referring to, I would like to comment regarding your not wanting anything from the Old Testament because we are a New Testament Church.
First and foremost, we are THE New Testament church. This may be seen by many as a question of semantics, but I see a big difference between the statement of "A" New Testament Church and "The" New Testament Church.
That part aside, I think it's wise to remember that the Old Testament was what the first Apostles and Disciples used to learn and understand the teachings which Christ Jesus had taught. In fact, it was from the Old Testament which Christ read from when He taught in the Synagogue. (See Luke 4 16-24).
Jesus said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17).
Since Jesus, who is our perfect example to follow; saw the importance of reading the Old Testament (even though He knew He was going to be fulfilling the prophesy's concerning Himself contained therein , as well as the Laws contained therein); I think it's not only a good idea to read what the Old Testament has to say, but to understand it as well. The only way I know of that one can do this, is to read the Old Testament with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Since Jesus paid the ultimate price in fulfilling what was demanded of those who broke the Law(s) of the Old Testament, we who belong to Him, are no longer are under the condemnation of the Law, as the price has already been paid. We are however, still accountable for our actions as well as our in-actions.
Jesus made this perfectly clear through many of the parables which He taught. (i;e The parable of the talents.)
One other note, the apostle Paul shared that the things recorded in the Old Testament are for our learning.
So if we just look at the New Testament Church and not at the Old Testament Church as well, IMHO, we are only seeing half of the picture and are denying ourselves a better understanding of just what Christ came to do, as well as what He has saved us from when it comes to the penalties found within the Old Testament Law(s).
I just thought you may find this of interest. If not, please feel free to ignore what was shared.
Ernie Catalano said:
SueW said:
Your post just stirred a lot of questions...
What is happening?
Where is God in it?
What will be the outcome?
I started a new post to not 'muddy' this one. http://j.mp/9ZXM0n
Howard Sherman said:
Thanks for your response.
You mentioned: " Christ and angels appear regularly to individuals, groups and entire villages
causing them to turn to Christ as their Savior."
I guess this is the sort of thing I was referring to when I originally posted my question.
These are things which only God can do.
Yes, I know that Satan is a great imitator, but I also know (believe) that he will do nothing that will bring glory to God, as Satan is God's adversary. Jesus said "Satan divided against himself, cannot stand"; And that is how I see it when it comes to Satan doing anything to bring glory to God, as he would (essentially) be fighting against himself. (That's my own belief, and I don't expect everyone else to believe what I believe.)
Hearing the good news that THE Good News is being spread and accepted throughout some Muslim nations, literally made my heart rejoice!
I firmly believe that Christ died for all of mankind, and that we need to share this news with whomever we can, whenever we can. With all of the bad news going on here in the U.S. when it comes to Islam being "promoted" while Christians are even being denied their right to pray (as in some cases), I get discouraged.
I could go on, but I don't think I need to.
Thanks again for your input and for the spiritual "uplift"!
Thanks for the response.
I agree that no matter what the situation looks like, God is still working. It's in times like these that I need to remind myself that God IS still in control. In fact I have made 1Thess. 5:18 my "life's" verse. Sometimes it takes sheer teeth gritting determination on my part when things aren't going the way "I" think they should be going, but the Lord is working with me and helping me to allow this to grow and deepen into my mind and spirit.
When it comes down to it, this is also why I stated earlier the quote from Scripture:
"Help thou my unbelief!"
I have been dealing with a few different health "blessings" for the past 11 years. Believe it or not, I think this comes into play when it comes to my determination to believe that God IS in control of every aspect of my life, as well as what's going on in the world.
I'm beginning to think I should have worded my question a little differently, but I'll wait and see how this works out.
Thanks again for your response. It contains some "reinforcing" statements that Ineeded to hear.
Which questions are you referring to?
Juanita said:
a Six Flags Over Texas. I remember as if it were yesterday the shock I
felt when I noticed that the gentleman in front of me was wearing a
Christian T-shirt! I quickly pointed it out to Alice. We were struck with
shock and joy. "How bold he must be", I thought.
Don't get me wrong. I was a soul winner and witness. For years before
that I had witnessed in bars, nightclubs, on the street and elsewhere.
We were in evangelism at that time. But this was different. This was a
mention of Jesus ON THE STREET...IN PUBLIC!
For the past 45 or so years I've watched Jesus and His gospel move into
the streets and around the world. I've seen him move into the marketplace.
One business with whom we work was responsible last year for leading
31,000+ businessmen and women to trust Christ as their personal
Churches no longer wait on on their denominations to involve themselves
with world missions. Individual churches send short-term mission teams
around the world and directly support foreign missionaries...even indigenent
The gospel is available to more people today than ever before in history.
It's being preached around the world via Internet, satellite and local radio
and television stations.
Christ and angels appear regularly to individuals, groups and entire villages
causing them to turn to Christ as their Savior. Muslim nations are turning
to Christ in record numbers. One primary Muslim nation no longer announces
the results of their census because Muslims are losing so many adherents to
the gospel of Christ! Another major Muslim nation complains regularly that
Christians control their monetary system!
There are more technological communication advances with which we can
further the gospel developed each week than were developed each year in
the 1970s.
Pastors are praying together across racial, denominational and other
The Gospel of the Kingdom is being preached throughout the earth today.
Never before since Christ ascended! (Matt 24)
Yes, yes, yes...we have every reason to announce that the Son is asking
the Father for the nations as His inheritance and the Father is giving them
to Him. The glory of the Lord is beginning to cover the earth as the water
covers the seas!
As one who travels the world in ministry, I encourage you not to judge
the work of the Lord by what you see in your neighborhood. His kingdom
is advancing mightily!
I started a separate discussion!!!