I have been really interested in Social Networking for a while now. Ive been watching communities growing on youtube, facebook and twitter. I have made connections with some of the greatest people through twitter, people I have never met and probably never will, old friends and new friends through facebook, and have joined discussions on youtube. Until a year ago I thought Social Networking mainly revolved around facebook and twitter, but then after talking with my friend Andrew Moore I learned that youtube is a huge resource for Christian Networking. People post video blogs, responses to each others videos, start discussion through comments and their inbox, etc. Youtube has become a very prominent witnessing tool as well as a tool for connecting with Christians worldwide.
Facebook, for me, is usually more for people I already know or have known in the past since its loaded with personal stuff. However, I have made an exception in having a couple friends from twitter (that I enjoy tweeting with) that I had added. My Twitter account I follow any/all Christian tweeters, however I favor following Christians that are in ministry. Twitter is seriously an awesome tool for seeing what God is doing worldwide, what people are doing and what ministries are doing. I have had the privledge of networking with some pretty fantastic people through twitter. I think churches and ministries should use twitter because that allows other ppl in your area to connect with your church.
I think its great when I go to a church and see people using twitter during a sermon. I know some may think its disrespectful but I think its shows that they are listening and are tweeting out what is going on so other people can be involved. I enjoy getting on twitter and seeing that ppl are “promoting” their churches by inviting people to their servicesand typing quotes from the sermon and worship service.
In 2012 networking with other Christians is as easy as turning on your computer and connecting to the internet. Twitter especially is great for this. I have met some amazing, inspiring Christians on twitter who have challenged me in my walk with Christ, inspired me and motivated me. Twitter allows me to find people from all over the world who are Christians and network with them thru the internet! In 2001 this wasn’t even really possible. In 2012 we have Facebook, twitter, instant messenger, myspace (which is LAME!), and Blogging! I LOVE blogging, I love reading other peoples blogs. I enjoy reading what God is doing in other peoples lives all over the world. Reading blogs allows me a glimpse into the life of a person I have never physically met but have networked with online. The internet and social networking gives Christians from all over the world the means to communicate, connect and enjoy meeting other members of the Body of Christ worldwide! Twitter especially is an awesome resource for social networking. Facebook is more geared toward connecting with people you already know but twitter allows you to network with people you will probably never physically meet! In 2012 we have so many resources to connect, inspire, relate and grow together as the Body of Christ. The question is, are we using our resources? We are called to be in fellowship with one another so why not use all our resources to be in “fellowship” with more Christians than our church groups, friends, etc? The internet allows us to do this easily and we definitely should jump on the bandwagon. Media and Social Networking is a gift and I definitely want to use it as best as I can for Gods glory and what better way than to network with my brothers and sister in Christ? Blogging is also a great way to connect! Writing about what God is doing in your life, your church, etc is a great way to be in touch with others. Christians Forums as well, are a great resource. Use technology, media, social networking as part of your Christian walk. I love being able to easily network with the Church worldwide!