Songs to Play During your Communion Service

When we take Communion, we remember how Christ sacrificed Himself for us because of how much He loves us. I have compiled a list of songs that emphasize Christ's sacrifice and His immense love for us that you can play during your Communion Service. I have included links to Youtube videos with lyrics to the songs on screen.

"Once Again" by Matt Redman

This whole song is a thank you to Jesus for the cross. What better song to play while receiving Communion? The chorus of this song beautifully sums up how thankful we are to Christ for dying on the cross for our sins:

And once again I look upon the cross where You died
I'm humbled by Your mercy and I'm broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I pour out my life

"Passion" by Kutless

"Passion" paints a vivid image of Jesus's crucifixion and thanks Him for paying the debt of our sins:

He chose to give it all
Jesus endured the pain
Paying a debt I owed and created a paradox in me


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"Our God is an Awesome God"by Matthew W. Smith

God is truly awesome. He shed his blood for us. He rose from the dead. "Our God is an Awesome God" reminds us never to forget God's awesome power:

Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross
I hope that you have not
Too quickly forgotten that
Our God is an awesome God

"Easter Song" by Keith Green

"Easter Song" would be an excellent song to end your Communion service with. This song celebrates the joy people had when Jesus rose from the dead and they realized they could be born again because of Christ's great sacrifice:

Hear the bells ringing
They're singing that you can be born again
Hear the bells ringing
They're singing Christ is risen from the dead

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