I have been reading alot about adoption lately.
John and Tracie Loux , Derek and Renee Loux and many others are adopting! And while I am reading all of these incredible stories, testimonials, etc I am reminded that I was adopted! I was born to a woman who couldnt take care of me and didnt want me. I was one of the few who was blessed enough to be adopted into a beautiful Christian family and blessed beyond belief. Adoption is so important! When you adopt you rescue a child out of unbelievable circumstances (many times).
My adoptive parents adopted 6 children!
Adoption is the sweetest gift you could give a child. Before I was adopted I had lived with many different abusive foster families and God had mercy on my little soul and allowed my brother and I to be adopted together! I am reading different posts on adoption. Adopting overseas, in America, children with disabilities, etc. I am amazed at the hearts of people to love and bless little kids. I was one of those kids. I had nothing and God allowed me to be adopted into an awesome family. I encourage you to seriously think about adopting. If I had not been adopted I could be homeless, a hooker, a drug addict or an alcoholic and maybe even a mom to a child I was not prepared to take care of like my birth mother. But because my parents adopted a little girl from a messed up background and loved her I am who I am today!!!
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You have no idea how important adoption is! I was one of those children, I lived in constant fear. I lived in abuse. I lived in anger and self loathing. Wondering what was wrong with me that no one wanted me. But thru the Spirit of Adoption (thru Christ) and my mom and dad,Julie and Jere White, my life has been blessed incredibly,
James 1:27--"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world"
I am sitting here listening to Derek Loux's song "One Child" and tearing up at the lyrics.
This song describes who I was at one point. When I was a baby my birth mother gave my little brother Josh and I up for adoption. Some see this as an irresponsible act, one of recklessness, one of abandonment, one of rejection, etc. I see it as an amazing act of LOVE! Adoption is a big deal. A mother has to love their child enough to realize that she cannot give it the love and life the baby needs so she decides to give that child to a family who wants him or her. Granted, there are many people who adopt for the wrong reasons but what about those women who cannot have children? If no one ever gave their babies up for adoption many women wouldnt have children.
Adoption=Love. My birth mother was known to be pretty sexually active with numerous men (Josh and I are only 11 months apart with different birth fathers), she was an alcoholic and we believe she did drugs as well. If my mother had not given me up who knows where I would be?
Adoption means so much to me! When I am married I want to have so many adopted kids! I really want to adopt within the US because there are so many children needing good homes in this country! I want black babies, white babies, brown babies, downsie babies, asian babies...
Some people do not understand the importance of adoption and I dont get it.
As the Body of Christ it is something we need to do! God wants us to care for the fatherless:
"Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:17
"'He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?" declares the LORD." Jeremiah 22:16
There are thousands of children sitting in abusive, neglectful and sad foster homes waiting for you to adopt them! I was one of those kids! I know firsthand what it is like to sit in a home, living out of a trash bag full of toys and clothes, praying that 'this family' would be the right one and being dissapointed when I had to move again. I know what its like to be abused, rejected and neglected in foster homes where the people just wanted a paycheck. I know what it is like to live with a family and ask God for a family. Wouldnt you WANT to make a difference in even ONE CHILD'S LIFE by adopting them!?
When i was 6, I was living with Jere and Julie White (who soon adopted me), and my mom told me that at everty dinner time someone would pray and I would always add, "and God please let this family adopt me and Josh. Amen." At 6 years old all I wanted was a stable, loving family. There are thousands of kids wanting the same! We have to reach out! We have to take a stand for what is right and take these children people dont want!
If I wasnt single and young I would begin adopting now, but I am so I cant! However, as soon as I am married I want to start adopting!
I so admire John and Tracie Loux, Randy and Kelsey Bohlender, Derek and Renee Loux for all of their faithfulness with adoption! Its because of people like them that kids like me got a good home!
So cool, I wish this countries churches spend as much on informing people about adoption and birth control as it does on abortions. The reward would be 10 fold.