Here are some outreach ideas which are perfect for the spring weather:
Church picnic- A church picnic provides the opportunity for fellowship as well as witnessing. Invite an unsaved friend to a church picnic (and the service held prior to the picnic) and who knows, your friend may get saved!
Outdoor yard sale- An outdoor yard sale gives your church a chance to raise money for retreats, church supplies, etc. but it can also be a chance to witness to people. For example, you can simply talk to people about God as well as hand them a free weekly message CD.
Duck race- A rubber duck race is another way of raising money and again, you can use it as a witnessing opportunity!
Outdoor carnival- My school used to have outdoor carnivals where you could play games to win prizes. Your church could do the same thing and give away God-related prizes like a Bible on a key chain, cross bookmarks, etc. Christian bookstores usually have things like this. You could also have a Bible story puppet show, an outdoor concert, etc.