Stirring up Bees

Have you ever stirred a bees nest? Did you get out of the way guickly enough? I have been dodging bees both litteral and figurative recently. Yes, I jumped quickly and dodged the sting. The litteral bees: one is a friendly nest calmly going in and out of a corner post in a barn. They allow me to run the mower within inches without a fuss. There is little activity or risk of sting to others here so I leave them alone. Two other nests were discovered while running a string trimmer. They reacted violently near a cellar door and a gas meter. I sprayed them both or attempted too. Found 2 nearly empty cans of bee spray. Figurative bees. In my case, a simmering unrest threatening to produce a family ruckus. I kicked the thing into the open, received a mess of interesting email, a bunch of people appoligized and all seems much more peaceful. Seems I have a habit of stirring figurative bees. Sometimes I get stung. Not sure that even this most recent act was the right choice but hidden problems cannot be dealt with. Now why is it that one must often stir a bees nest in order to locate and kill the bees (problems)? Why are some bees harmless and best ignored, not worth the fight, while others need immediate action? How do we tell the difference?

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  •  Don't kill the REAL bee's call a bee keeper to come over and remove them. There is a huge shortage of bee's because of a new illness that is killing whole bee hives. It's called,Colony collapse disorder.


    As for the figurative bee problems. That's nothing new.  IMO you did the right thing.Got the problem out in the open and it all worked out. Someone got to step up to cause change. You did that.Good for you.Give yourself a pat on the back.

  • I think with age comes wisdom. ;-)
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