I do understand that the 27 books of the New Testament is the Christian view of the word of God, You have the God given right to believe which ever scripture you view as the true Word of God. I do know this, Christians or so exclusionary in their interpretation of scriptures. To them the Old Testament is history not to be included in their Dogma or Tenets, but your Jesus stated " I didn't come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets " Matthew 5:17. I follow a different road, a road led by the teachings of Jesus not that of man, God may have inspired the earlier writers of the gospels , but the rest or narratives mainly by Paul in the form of letters to people and or peoples. They or to me the same as the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs ,which was taught in the early church until the Europeans took over the Christian Church. They were about Virtue, Honor, and behavior among other things. I don't try to be angry toward the European Church and it's descendant the Protestant Churches , nor the Church of Rome or even the Torah, I just believe that Man has warped the truth to control the people. If I am wrong , and I just might be, ( who knows the thinking of the Father but the Father ) I will have my day before His Throng , then I will learn my fate, not for anything I have done or believed, preached, but because He is God, and He can do to me what ever He chooses. I give only the first fruit of my harvest, the truth, when I sin I offer me to Him in the first fruit, I don't sugar coat it or blame my past or anyone else , ( like Adam ) Genesis 3:12. I do search so that I may find, seek that which is hidden all in the hope of offering the truth to God in the highest.
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The 39 books of the old testament is also God's Word, Jesus came to fulfill the law. Romans 15 vs 4 says: "For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope." This scripture is talking about the old testament. The historical-critical method is not a legit. way to approach God's Word. Don't get me wrong, one can approach the scriptures this way, one is free to do so, but the Bible is meant to be approached devotionally. The whole idea of adding books to the canon of scripture comes from the historical-critical method.