How then is it manifested? Clearly, Jesus said that those nations that do not manifest the fruits of the Kingdom of God have it taken away from them.
How is the Kingdom manifested?
Here are a few examples:
1. When we serve God and seek His righteousness, and He adds all the necessities of life to us, this is the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)
2. When devils are cast out by the Spirit of God, the Kingdom is come unto you (Matthew 12:28)
3. The Kingdom is preceded by preaching the good news of the Kingdom and repentance, which requires that you believe the gospel (that Jesus reigns over the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15)
4. The Kingdom’s arrival is “with power”, as in signs and wonders and unusual things (Mark 9:1)
5. You cannot trust in riches and enter into the Kingdom (Mark 10:24)
6. Preaching the Kingdom precedes its arrival in our midst (Luke 9:60)
7. Healing the sick is part of manifesting the Kingdom (Luke 10:19)
How then do we manifest the Kingdom, or where do we begin?
John 3:3-5 says we have to be born again and “immersed” in water and the Spirit, which cannot occur unless we repent and believe on the Gospel, confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord and is risen from the dead (Acts 2:38, Romans 10:9, Philippians 2:11). That is, obviously, where it starts.
Steve Belttari said:
How do we SEE the Kingdom of God? #KingdomInsight