The REAL Theory Of Everything
Mark 1:14-15 Now after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
The first words out of Jesus’s mouth during the inauguration of His public ministry are extremely telling, they reveal His core mission, and indeed they reveal the work of God.
John 6:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise
So, if Jesus came proclaiming that we need to repent and believe in the Gospel because the Kingdom of Heaven was AT HAND (Matthew 3:2) and if He was doing what the Father was doing, then we can say that this is God’s work. It is the work of the Father, it is the work of the Son, and it is the work of the Holy Spirit.
It is also OUR work.
So it says in John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
What works?
At the core, which we can see from the starting point of the ministry of Jesus Christ when He was on this earth, is this work- proclaiming that BECAUSE the Kingdom is HERE NOW we must all REPENT.
This is the beginning, the middle, and the end- HIS Kingdom. His reign and rule over everything and everyone. It is a reign that has begun, that is underway, and that will be fulfilled. Like Jesus Christ Himself, His Kingdom “is, and was, and is to come.”
HE REIGNS, His reign is among us and within us, and His reign will be fulfilled, culminating in a new heavens and a new earth.
This is the central fact of life, of life here, of life to come. From the beginning, even before the beginning, until the end, even after the end, God’s reign is the single fact of reality. Scientists who are looking for the “theory of everything”, a theory that explains everything, need look no further than this simple truth- God Reigns.
We can align our lives to His reign, we might call that “living the Kingdom”, or we can refuse to align our lives to His reign, but His reign has come, is being established among us now, and will be fulfilled. Being on the wrong side of that is a bad thing.
I once heard a dentist was asked “which teeth do I really have to brush?” He replied, “only the teeth you want to keep.”
What part of your life do you have to align with God’s Kingdom? The answer is simple: only those parts of your life that you want to count for eternity!
Everything in your life that is not aligned with the central TRUTH of the universe, the “theory of everything”, which is the reign of God, will perish and it won’t even be remembered!
That’s why we need to repent- realize and confess our guilt for NOT living up to God’s righteous standards, recognize that we cannot live up to those standards because we are sinners, recognize that we deserve eternal death because of this, and throw ourselves at God’s feet, at the foot of the Cross, so that we can die in Christ and be raised in Christ- so that we CAN enter the Kingdom, so that we can, by the Holy Spirit, live the Kingdom.
God’s work, and our work, is the work of the Kingdom. That is the central fact of the universe, of life itself- this is what we have to conform to if we say we are followers of Jesus Christ.
Our purpose is to, in essence, “bring the Kingdom” into our life and our world- we bring the Kingdom into our walk in Christ and in making disciples of one another, we bring the Kingdom into our marriage and all of our relationships, we bring the Kingdom into our family, we bring the Kingdom into our connections with other Christians.
Whatever God gifts us with, whether it be in the sacred, the civic, the social, or the market, our work is to bring the Kingdom to that, and nothing else. Only this work matters, only this work will last. Everything else will be burned up and forgotten.