I was shocked when I watched a YouTube video that talked about how some vaccines are grown on the tissue of aborted babies. Did you know that? Neither do doctors, apparently, as they don't read the labels of the vaccines, and why would they? They've been giving vaccines for years, so many have no clue as to what is in the vaccines they're giving patients. In addition, the vaccine Gardasil, which is aimed at young women to help prevent cervical cancer, has been known to cause fainting in some instances, and a few women have gotten into car crashes shortly after taking the Gardasil vaccine. But, these studies are rarely brought to light, so people taking the vaccines are none the wiser. Now, with the swine flu vaccine being developed so rapidly and without proper testing, would you put your life in your doctor's hands by taking the swine flu vaccine? I know I wouldn't. The funny thing is, the swine flu is no worse than the common flu, and yet you don't see public announcements about the common flu on TV. In 1976, the government used celebrities as a way of persuading people to take the swine flu vaccine. Now, the government is doing it again, using such characters as Elmo to make you and your child feel comfortable about taking the swine flu vaccine. The truth about vaccines is that we rarely need them. They are filled with poisons, weaken the immune system, and are in most cases more harmful than actually getting the disease such as the swine flu. Before you decide to take the swine flu vaccine, please decide if you really need it, consider the Gardasil study, and make sure you know ALL the facts about the vaccine, the side effects, etc.

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