Tioga County Newspaper
communicating the news in a non-news way.
The people who are behind the Tioga Freedomist are also all committed to one vision, to live, witness, learn, extend the Kingdom of God. Rather than follow the "AP Style", the Tioga Freedomist has chosen to deliver the news in a 'conversational' style, delivering the news the way we tell news to one another in every day life.
The stories featured on the Tioga Freedomist are focused on WAR, watchdog articles, advocacy articles, and resource articles. Wherever possible, the Tioga Freedomist seeks to activate the community to serve one another, meeting the needs of those who are facing adversity and serving the communities around them.
The slogan of the Tioga Freedomist is 'creating a sense of freedom in Our Community', that freedom is based on the freedom that Christ gives us through His shed blood. While The Tioga Freedomist reflects the Kingdom of God, the Tioga County Newspaper seeks to serve all, be they members of the Kingdom of God or not, being a witness and a servant as Christ calls us to be to our neighbors.
This is the Tioga County Newspaper of choice for us.