Ecclesiastes 3:1
” To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven.”
We all go through seasons-some bad, some great, some ok, some tramatic, some depressing, some beautiful, some loaded with happiness. We all deal with these seasons differently.
We all have seasons of trials, We all have seasons of desert, We all have seasons of happiness and we all have seasons of greatness. What you do, How you act and react in these seasons in critical. God is not a crutch to only be used in the bad or hard times, he is there with you encouraging you through the good seasons and pushing you through the bad ones.The God of the good times is still the God in the bad times.
The question is this, “How will you get through the “bad” seasons or seasons of “trial”? How do you deal when you feel like the entire world is against you or rooting for you to fail and hoping you do? What do you do when your friends don’t understand you and say/do mean and hurtful things? What do you do when your family hates you? Or when your spouse makes your life miserable for 6 months? Many people look at the troubled times and think, “God is punishing me” or “God, where are you? Why aren’t you here with me?” Well, the news is many times God allows us to go through seasons of trials and tribulation and betrayal and anger and poverty and sickness, etc FOR A REASON. If things were good ALL the time how in the world would be grow? When things are “bad” we have the opportunity to be stretched, to grow, to learn. When you are in seasons like this I think the key is being teachable. Being willing to learn, grow and listen to other people (not just your own voice or the voices in your head) who are wiser than you. Not being too prideful to ask for prayer, wisdom, advice, etc.
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![Burning Ones](
Burning Ones
by Jerame Nelson
The Burning Ones is a call to action. Christians- you- are encouraged and motivated to consider seriously stepping in the role of "burning ones" to spread the Kingdom of God in the earth.
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We have troubled seasons for so many reasons-its embracing those seasons that will help us in the long run. Embrace the troubled times-learn and grow! Allow God to stretch you. One key in these seasons (or in life in general) is to ‘Respond’ not ‘React’. When things go bad how will you deal? Will you ‘react’ in anger or point fingers of blame at others or even at God? Or will you ‘respond’ by embracing the seasons of trial and allowing God to mold you, work in you and help you grow?
For ever season there is a REASON AND A PURPOSE. God allows these things to learn and grown from them-don’t get stuck in bitterness and anger.
Dont go around talking to everyone under the sun about whats going on. Find someone you can trust and talk with them through things, have them pray with you, hold you accountable, and listen to their advice and do it.
Allow the crappy seasons to be a learning, growing and stretching time for you and draw closer to God not further away.