Tolerance in the Church


There is a trend going around the church. Tolerance. The church has been tolerating homosexuality, adultery, arrogance, pride, etc in their leaders.
There have been many Pastors/Ministry Leaders, etc who have publicly “come out” and announced they are gay (Ted Haggard, Jennifer Knapp), committed adultery (Todd Bentley, Jimmy Swaggard), divorce (Benny Hinn, Paula White), and many others. I have been reasearching Forums, twitter, and other websites and reading peoples opinions. The popular opinion in many cases is that “they have fallen”, “sin is sin”, “we all sin, they just need to deal with it.” These people are constantly being patted on the back, have hundred if not thousands of followers in the churches. Jennifer Knapp just returned to Christian Music after taking a few years off. SHe has come out as gay and is also stating she is a Christian. I have been following what people are saying on twitter and 90% are saying she is paving the way for and being an example for Christians who are afraid to come out, she is being supported and people are saying they think its awesome she has made her homosexuality public. Having ungodly leaders
can and will hinder your church from growing
The Church needs to set a standard. The Bible sets some standards for Leadership. It amazes me how congregations still stay under leadership of “fallen” leaders. If a Pastor or Ministry Leader commits adultery, is gay, etc they should willingly step down, or the Elders should make them because they are living a hypocritical life to the Christian Faith. But in many instances this does not happen. The “fallen” leader is allowed and permitted to stay in his/her position. The congregation quickly forgives and its done. This is a unBiblical mindset. The Bible says a Pastor/Ministry Leader should:
•Be above reproach (Literal: Blameless, no accusation against) (Titus 1:6)

•The husband of one wife (Literal: ‘one woman’ man) (Titus 1:6)
“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery” (Mark 10:11, 12).

•Above reproach as God’s steward (Literal: No charge in the way he handles his life and possessions including finances) (Titus 1:7)

•Not self-willed (Literal: Self-pleasing; focused on self) (Titus 1:7)

•Not quick-tempered (Literal: Easily angered or brought to wrath) (Titus 1:7)

•Not fond of sordid gain (Literal: Greedy. Out for money even in dishonorable ways) (Titus 1:7)

•Just (Literal: Righteous, virtuous, passes on right judgment) (Titus 1:8)

•Self-controlled (Literal: Power over, mastering, restraining) (Titus 1:8)

•Holding fast the faithful word which is inaccordance
with the teaching, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict (Literal: Holds up and defends the faith delivered so that he exhorts others with sound teaching and reprove or rebuke those who openly speak against the word. (Titus 1:9

“It is a true saying that if someone wants to be a church leader they have a good ambition. For a
leader must be a good person whose life cannot be spoken against…Those who do well as leaders
will be well rewarded both by respect from others and also by developing their own confidence
and bold trust in the Lord.” (1 Timothy 3:1-2a, 13)
So many times the church forgets the sin and remembers the person. Some are major, public ministry figures and that gives them “cred” with the church. Some are living full homosexual lifestyles but insist they are Christians and still in Gods favor. Where is that in the Bible?
Im not saying we throw them out and hate them. Im saying there is a difference in loving a person and tolerating their sin.
Where are the standards? We need to stand up! We need to be intolerant of sin in the Body of Christ. We can not allow our churches to be led by adulterors, liars, cheaters, etc. We must raise the standard and enforce the Biblical Standards!

Churches run by “sick” leaders will eventually be a “sick” church. A “sick” church cannot grow. A healthy church can and will grow!!!

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  • yup..let's call sin-sin.... abortion-murder... lust outside of marriage covenant-immoral.

    Tolerence it a nice name for disobedient.
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