Here are the Top 10 Reasons 'WHY" and what we need to do about it!
#1. We don't KNOW God.
There is a lot of talk about RINOs: Republicans in Name Only. The word 'Christian' might mean anything today. Even our leader is a “Christian’, what does that mean???
#2 We don't know our PURPOSE.
We have 2 mandates, two reasons for walking this earth rather than being with Christ.
#1 Great Commandment. Does the Great Commandment mean anything to us in how we live our lives, how we spend our resources - our focus, our time and our money? If not, we need to fix it.
#2 Great Commission. Jesus died so we could be a part of His Kingdom. What priority does it have for us to do the same for others, bring them into His Kingdom? If we want to see things fixed in our nation, we need to understand our responsibilities. And, we need to do them.
#3 We aren't DISCIPLINED
Jesus said to make disciplined followers. Think about it, our grandparents had to work to live. What is the current state of affairs? The youngest generation MOSTLY understands entitlement, WORK is a foreign concept to them. What does that say about our future?
#4 We aren't TRAINED
Jesus said to make disciplined followers who observe what He taught. We reproduce what we ARE. Self check: how successful would we be if every Christian was like you or me? Jesus reproduced himself in others, let’s make sure that is true of you and me – Christ is living in and through us in all ways!
#5 We aren't FRUITFUL
The command in the garden was to be fruitful and multiply. Jesus refocused us on this command: His commands to us is to be fruitful and multiply. Are we doing that? If we don't do this simple thing, we can't expect to see the blessings that come from being fruitful.
#6 The Church is not the Ecclesia
Try this: Google these words: Ancient Greek Government Ecclesia. When Jesus established His Kingdom, he also established how it would be governed. Ecclesia wasn't a 'religious term', it was a form of government: Free, Democratic, and common in the Greek culture. Today, even Christians say, "Church and politics should be separate." Christians do NOT understand 'Ecclesia' they just understand 'church'. We need to understand what the Kingdom IS, how it should be GOVERNED and what our PLACE is in it.
#7 Too much TOP DOWN focus, not enough BOTTOM UP focus
Sure, Jesus preached to the multitudes, but he invested his life in the 12 and the 70. When it came down to it, there were 120 waiting for the ‘kickoff’. “Big people” are usually too busy to take time imparting to individuals. We have to, like Jesus did, spend time personally with individuals imparting what we know. That IS making Christ followers.
#8 We leave the work of ‘Making Disciples” to institutions
Whose job is it to make disciples who can turn the world upside down? If it is YOUR job, how are you doing it? Do we follow Christ’s example or is it left up to the ‘institutions’?
#9 Marriages and Families are in shambles
Strong families are the building block of the nation. Have you checked the divorce rate lately? What have we done to fix that? If we are to run the nation effectively, it needs to start with running our homes effectively.
#10 Go make disciples of all NATIONS.
Let’s see, who said that? Jesus. Our nation is in shambles because it has embraced godlessness and lawlessness. It is undisciplined, pleasure absorbed and entitlement promoting. Christians, we need to unite and BE a model Christian Nation. As we unite for deliberate action: Political Action, Social Action, Marketplace Action and Kingdom Building Action, we will succeed. Like reproduces like. We can pass that success to the nation, the United States. We need to do this NOW, before it is too late.
God desires relationship and fellowship with those whom He has called. If His people lack in having this intimate relationship with their Father in heaven, How do they expect to have the blessings of God? There are too many pew warmers. God knows how to deliver this nation, if it is His will to do so. He knows how to set people free who desires to be free from sin and Satan but if Christians got the results of their warring against the enemies in the heavenly realm, with the victories God has for them, then they would see the end results of their answers to praying. The question to any Christian should be, "What did the Holy Spirit say to you today in prayer?" If they say anything contrary to actually hearing from the Lord, then they should check the OIL in their lamp.. God is NOT silent as His people seek his face. He knows exactly what we have need us even before we ask but there are times we just need to quit asking in doubt and start listening by faith..God has a living Word for those who come boldly to the Throne of Grace, by the power of his Spirit. Christians need to know who they are in Christ, They are not sinners saved by grace, they are kings, priests and prophets of the living God, who has power, authority, and dominion in Jesus' name. If Christians would receive this revelation, through their relationship with Christ, the sinners would come to Christ by the thousands..
Thanks for starting this thread!
I have something I'd like to share if I may.
When it comes to your third point listed above, Jesus never said to go and make "disciplined followers".
He did say that we are to "Go (ye) into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Mark 16:15, Matt.28:20)
Our job is to share the Gospel and those who accept the truth of the Gospel, we are to teach to observe everything which Christ has (had) commanded us to observe.
IMHO, this is similar to what you have said, but not exactly the same thing. I say this because we are limited to what we can and should do; However, it's up to the Holy Spirit to actually implant this into the person's life.
We are to be examples for them to see, just as Christ is our example.
It took, and takes the Holy Spirit's leading and teaching each of us so we may become more like Christ.
If He can make each of us more disciplined, then I believe He can do the same thing for others as well.
A question of semantics? Maybe, but I need to keep things simple so as not to get myself confused. Ü
Meanwhile, back at the original thread....
I realize that this is speaking of spiritual matters; However, when it comes to the point (which you were able to articulate so neatly by the way), that so many believe they are "entitled" as opposed to working for what they need and/or want; I would find it difficult at best to separate the spiritual from the physical, as I see one as having an impact on the other to a degree which a lot of people would rather not admit to even existing.
And it's because of this that I agree that we as a nation (in general) have failed them miserably.
It would be easy (for me anyway), to point fingers, but I too have to own up to the fact that I haven't spoken up before now.
Thanks again for starting this thread. IMHO, it's something that needed to be shared.
1 Thess.5:18
God always answers prayers- Yes, No or wait His answers.
God says: if we humbled, turn away from wicked ways, He will hear our prayers and heal our lands
But many forget #3 when doing #5 ya show use DISCIPLIN and not have more children then you can support.
I suppose I should talk to you about helping me writing it. Do you have time?
Plus, I had to proof -again- an had to clean up the typos... if you were my editor, I wouldn't have those,huh? :-)
Eddie Smith said:
next book!!
Houston, TX