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Think about this: Your weekly sermons on a beautifully designed and personalized DVD. A DVD ministry can really impact your church for good. I have compiled a list of the top five ways a DVD ministry can be a powerful tool for your church:

1. As a re-teaching of the lesson: Studies have shown that we don't retain 100% of spoken information, so having DVDs of your Sunday sermon available to your flock allows the lesson to be reiterated and more information to be retained.

2. A powerful takeaway gift for visitors and first-timers: Offering a free DVD with your church's name and address on it to your church's visitors and first-time members leaves a long-lasting impression.

3. A simple way to reach many with one: If you have just one person in your church hand out say, 5 DVDs, this is a very easy way to reach many people! You can also encourage your church's members to pass along messages that touched their heart to someone else,  therefore multiplying your church's impact with one DVD!

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4. As an invitation to visit your church: Leave several DVDs with your church's name and address on them in places in your community people frequent: the laundromat, for example. Also, showcase your church's DVDs at your community yardsales, potlucks, and holiday dinners. People will watch your DVD, see the address of your church on it and come to church!

5. A way to expand your ministries: Does your church have ministries such as a women's ministry, men's ministry, youth ministry, etc.? Well, you can follow the same steps above only with a DVD series showcasing ministries in your church. And get creative! I found a DVD ministry online while I was browsing the web of an outdoor/hunting ministry.

As you can see, there are many ways you can go about using a DVD ministry as a powerful tool for your church. So, what are you waiting for? Start recording your Sunday sermons and ministries and see your community impacted for Christ!

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