Media ministry can be helpful in so many ways, especially for our service men and women overseas. When your church puts together care packages for the military, send them a CD as well so they can hear the word of God and feel like they are in church even from thousands of miles away.

College students are another group of people who benefit from media ministry. College kids often fall victim to peer pressure as they are on their own for the first time in their lives. You could help them stay on the right path by ministering to them via CD recorded messages while they are away for college. This will also make them feel connected to their home church while they are away at college.

You can use media ministry to reach the elderly as well as the disabled who may not have the means to get to church. Sending someone a CD or a tape of your recorded message enables them to hear the Gospel from the comfort of home. It means a lot to a person when you take the time to mail them a CD with a message meant just for them to hear.

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