Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Here is an excerpt from the top church tweets for February 14th:
The Community: Let's read this book together: "Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ" by John Piper. Free download: ow.ly/hGpmI
— Jon Moffitt (@jonmoffitt) February 13, 2013
"Reverse Thinking" - A great video for youth ministryxt3.com/youthministry/…
— Xt3.com (@Xt3_iActiv8) February 14, 2013
a great video about Youth ministryyoutu.be/8vUyObQxV_o #fb
— Lumpy (@GMLumpy) February 13, 2013
Robotic cameras are remarkable: Pan, tilt, zoom AND stream! Perfect for Christian media productions tiny.cc/axq5ow #mediaministry
— Christian Media (@cm_monitor_) February 13, 2013