No matter what you do to get people to come to your church, if you don't have a strategic plan for keeping them, you will have a back door that is wide open. People will be leaving as fast as they are coming.
Do you have any news from your church about something you have learned that keeps visitors coming back and becoming active members?
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If churches across America could retain a high percentage of their visitors we would see a church explosion. Possibly a national revival. I figured out, that if a church of about 100 gets approximately 3 visitors per Sunday, and only retains 25% of them, they would double their numbers every two and one half years! But that is only the tip of the iceberg. only 3 visitors per 100 people is a low number, and 25% is on the low side of a growing church. We are hearing about churches who are retaining 70% - 90% of their visitors. Those churches could double in number every year!
God is sending people to our churches. It is our responsibility to be ready to welcome them, serve them, and assimilate them into our congregations as active members. Pew sitters won't do. Our studies have uncovered research of the top 4% of the churches that are doing exactly that. This is the Principle of the Talents. The two faithful servants in Matthew 25: 14-28 used their God-given brains to strategize and multiply the talents. The master said to them. "Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things." If we apply that to the gift of visitors that God is giving us every Sunday, will we hear God say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with the few visitors I have sent you. I will make you responsible for many more visitors." If we aren't doing a good job of serving the visitors that God is sending to now, why would he send us any more. On the other hand, when we learn to serve well the visitors God is sending to us, He will send us many more.
Can you imagine if we were not only keeping the many visitors that are coming to our churches today, but because of our faithfulness in ministering to them, God started to double or triple the number of visitors that come to our churches. We would have a church explosion that would change the spiritual climate of our nation! And it wouldn't take a lobbying group to do it.
Great question, Jerry. I understand that a huge percent of the population goes to church at least once or twice a year. What would happen if these visitors were all introduced to Christ and knit in?
God is sending people to our churches. It is our responsibility to be ready to welcome them, serve them, and assimilate them into our congregations as active members. Pew sitters won't do. Our studies have uncovered research of the top 4% of the churches that are doing exactly that. This is the Principle of the Talents. The two faithful servants in Matthew 25: 14-28 used their God-given brains to strategize and multiply the talents. The master said to them. "Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things." If we apply that to the gift of visitors that God is giving us every Sunday, will we hear God say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with the few visitors I have sent you. I will make you responsible for many more visitors." If we aren't doing a good job of serving the visitors that God is sending to now, why would he send us any more. On the other hand, when we learn to serve well the visitors God is sending to us, He will send us many more.
Can you imagine if we were not only keeping the many visitors that are coming to our churches today, but because of our faithfulness in ministering to them, God started to double or triple the number of visitors that come to our churches. We would have a church explosion that would change the spiritual climate of our nation! And it wouldn't take a lobbying group to do it.