Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ and Friends.
I have pondered on whether to try on this thought here. Please don't label me as a heretic. :-))
First some background. I love the Lord. I am anchored to Scripture. I strongly dislike the Godless model of natural man's worldview.
If natural man told me a black cat crossed the road and I was looking at the cat and it looked black, it would still be suspect. They did something to the cat! :-))
Going back in time to the Garden. I believe God built the first language in Adam a pro to Hebrew; character base, format, context. I believe every language in existence is a derivative of it in the same way the first genetic database was in Adam and we are all physically descendant of Adam. When we translate God took a rib from Adam, "curve bone" I think we lost translation/understanding of what God did. It has to do with the difference between the sexes both physically, mentally and spiritually. Mathew 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.
I heard a sermon from http:/www.mountainwings.com on a curved bone male mammals have that man doesn't.
So a lot of what we take for granted may actually go a lot deeper. Pure Hebrew being all constants and on vowels with letters assigned a number, is deep, layered and rich.
Visualized Adam walking and talking with God-not God the Father, God the Son, The Word. No man has seen the Father at any time and all things were made by the Word.
Adam walking with God would have seen angels coming and going all the time; there was no separation, no barrier, no veil.
Now imagine this being showing up different from every angel they had seen and he is talking directly to them. God had granted this being his wish to be totally absorbed in self. His voice was deep and hypnotic, he shimmered a metallic shimmer as he faded in and out of time. He was sensual and mesmerizing.
Up to this point all that Adam knew was what God told him. Like when a person is hired on a company and someone takes him on a tour and gives him the lowdown, the inside scoop and this person views things that way until someone else says, "Be careful of listening to him." Now that person has questions.
When Adam chose to listen to Lucifer, Adam put a new head over the human race and Adam's inheritance went to Lucifer. Lucifer's curse went to Adam. A legal transaction. God honored that choice.
The being God was talking to was a fallen angel. We use metaphors such as "You will fall flat on your face."
This is what I think God told Satan. "Everything you try to do, the undoing will be by your hand. Everything you try to undo, the doing will be by your hand. That which I declare, you will fulfill. When you try to prevent it, it will be you that establishes it. Your works will bring Me Glory, not you."
I think Joseph was a fulfillment of that declaration. God gave Joseph two dreams and Joseph, young and dumb, is parading them in front of his father and brothers. Demons were listening. "Is this the Promised One?"
They're going to stop these dreams in their tracks by getting Joseph out of town. Joseph spends 11 years in Potifer's house and Potifer rises to prominence. Joseph has the Midas touch. All of Egypt has heard about this Hebrew slave. Demons think in terms of pomp and glitter, so they think Pharaoh is going to get wind of this and Joseph is going to be promoted to the palace.
So they give Potifer's wife the hots for Joseph. If he succumbs, he's done for, if he doesn't he's done for. Checkmate.
Joseph goes to prison for two years. In the meantime, sow/reap sets in motion in Potifer's house. Potifer's wife has slept with all the slaves but Joseph as the sun god Ra [demons] is a god of lust. Potifer's house falls to ruin. God has provided contrast, this is what you get with Me and this is what you get without me. I'll show you why I believe this in a moment.
Joseph's Midas touch continues in prison. Noticeably so. Everybody in the palace has heard of Joseph and what happened to Potifer.
Joseph tells the cup bearer and the baker what is about to happen. When the butler is restored Joseph tells him to remember him, "for I have done nothing to deserve this". He's hurting and he doesn't understand why God would allow this to happen to him."
Two years later, Potifer in ruin, Pharaoh's prison blessed, Pharaoh has a dream. Joseph's gift for dream interpretation gets him an audience, but it is his resume' that gets him the job.
It's the only thing that makes sense. Pharaoh may be impressed with Joseph, but he's scared to death of his God.
Our Lord would have no problem at all giving a snake legs and the ability to make speech and the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of man.
But I wondered, "What is the Lord teaching me here?"
Just a thought...:-))
Don't beat me up, just pray for me.:-))
What do ya think?
Hi Steve,
When I posted my ponderings on the snake, I never thought it would generate this much response. Wahoo! But mine is still coming in a poor third to James' two which have taken a commanding lead :-(( Oh well, maybe I can think of something real controversial... on second thought, I'll get some body armor first. :-))
Have a great day, Steve!
Lisa said:
Ok I'll agree that God destroyed a previous social system. Not sure I agree with the timing. We could argue that for day and get nowhere.
Have no doubt that the Lord defeated satan with what to him must have been the odd turn of events of Jesus on the cross.
Could the demons and Satan have been having a celebration, shouting "we got Him, we got Him. finally He is beaten we can reign!" Then suddenly He rises and they are defeated, stuck with only accusing the brethren and trying to limit them. Even this may fail because after all God is in control.
"As sparks fly upward a man is born into trouble" as it says in the book of Job. Jesus said that "in this world you will have tribulations, but fear not, I have overcome the world". Jesus Christ has indeed overcome the world's system, the Devil and the flesh. Genesis 3 vs 15 prophesies Lucifers defeat. He has already been defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he knows his days are numbered so he wants to bring as many people down with him as possible. 2 Pet 3 vs 8 says that a 1000 years is like a day to the Lord, so in God's timetable it has only been 2 days since Christ defeated the Devil. I think people should understand that God destroyed the social system that was in the earth billions of years ago, because it is a doctrine that is taught in the Bible. I feel that I have to be authoritative in teaching this, remember what they said about Jesus, "unlike the scribes and the pharisees Jesus taught with authority". When I first learned the truth many years ago, people would say to me that this is not an essential truth for salvation so I should not make to big a deal about it. Over time I have learned that there seems to be a whole lot of those truths that are not essential for salvation. I have learned that it is more about "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightlt dividing the Word of Truth". If people were to give the study of the Bible the same degree of priority that they do their studies for a career, they for sure would not find this a difficult truth to understand.
isa said:
Hi Lisa,
Thanks so much for the reply. As we share with each other and collectively look to the Lord, the Lord fills in our missing pieces. I don't do anything for the Lord nearly as much as I should. I fall short in every area. I want everyone to know the Lord loves and works with flawed people.
"It is the glory of God to conceai a thing and the honor of kings to search out a matter." "But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." [Job 32:8] We each have our favorite Scriptures, stories or lessons in the Bible. As we let each other know we are not accusing God or challenging Him in any way, just searching for a deeper understanding, you might share something you have picked up and vice versa and we help fill in each other's missing pieces. "Where two [or more] are gathered in My Name..." "Knock and it shall be opened unto you..."
Mine started when I wondered what God was telling His once beloved Cherub, not whether the Lord could make a snake walk and talk. The Lord stretched out space as an event so time and distance have no relationship pertaining to origins. Godless natural man can listen to the prince of the world if he wants, I [we] want to learn from the Author.
Demons thought if we can get Joseph away from his father and brothers, he will never be able to rule over them. What they didn't realize is the father and brothers would go to him and willingly submit. A chessmaster playing The Chessmaster. If I play chess with a demon, I am checkmated before the game gets warmed up, but if I say, "Jesus, the door bell rang and it's for you..." the demon will have to answer, "Sorry, wrong house.."
When God told Jonah to Nineveh, I wondered why Jonah ran. It is easy to pray for someone who is good to you, but it is not so easy to pray for someone who has made your life miserable. God didn't pick someone who loved Nineveh, He picked someone who had been hurt by Nineveh. I wondered why.
I think it has to do with the king of Nineveh's answer, "Perhaps if we repent..." an amazing answer considering Nineveh had many demigods and the Hebrew god was considered a lesser god-no statues. "It takes the build, to make the presentation." God is going to use demons to make the build, to give His presentation meaning.
All that happened aboard that ship, the sailors were witnesses. Jonah died [Jonah 2:2] I believe the sailors detoured and went to Nineveh and told their sailors' tale. When Jonah shows up, his skin white as a sheet from the whales enzymes, he looks as someone who has been raised from the dead, He has. Before that king could say, "Perhaps if we repent..." he had to first say, "Their is no god like this God." "That which I declare, you will fulfill. When you try to prevent it, it will be you who establishes it. Your works will bring Me Glory." We serve an Awesome God.
Thanks Lisa,
Lisa said:
Interesting thoughts. Is certainly true that the Lord works bad situations for His good though at times we do not understand what is going on. Hard to tell what he actually told Lucifer but that is an intruiging idea. It certainly seems to be what happens in the end.
Whatever was in the garden certainly did not freak Eve out. Seems that remnant characters of a hip or shoulder on a snake would make sense if started as upright and then was cursed to slither. Need to double check the truth of this one. How this differs from other reptiles or what it looked like pre-curse I do not understand.
Hi Steve,
That is an awesome testamony. It was a witness to that person that Jesus was working in you and through you, and it was a sweet savour before the throne of the Most High. Joseph spent 13 years and it didn't look like, as devoted as he was to the Lord, any doors were opening for him, but he went from pit to palace in a moment.
And we may not know our full impact on this side, but we are each a pebble creating ripples. Like the movie Working Girl, when she was promoted, she took the elevator to her floor and automatically took the secretary's seat and the young woman standing there said, "What are you doing? That's not your desk; yours is in there."
We are each impacting people, others may not be able to reach, but the Lord can promote us in a moment and we know when we get home our investments here will pay eternal dividends. I didn't start making investments in the Kingdom Bank until I was 42, but I am so grateful, He allowed me to start.
Even if someone is saved on the way out, it would be awesome and worth eternal rejoicing, but investments will count greatly.
When I was first saved, I was so grateful, but I didn't understand why my mom and sisters watched TBN and inspiration stations all the time. I thought God doesn't require us to do that, He wants us to still have a life. So even though I was redeemed, I still had a lot of the old life in me>scary movies, hero shoots the bad guy, the girl to die for and etc. The Lord never took any of that away. As I got to know Him and wanted to learn more about Him and from Him, most of the other stuff just disappeared. Before I thought life would be boring with the other stuff gone, but I am a lot closer now to joy being a state of being. I still have to take a lot of classes over, but now I know why. Before I would say, "Why is this always happening to me?"
I am sure God is not through opening doors for us, all of us, yet.
Thanks Steve
Steve Belttari said:
Mark Edward Kroger said:
Hi Steve,
No, I was referring to the Admiral that got saved and regretted that voyage. I heard that Darwin got saved too. I heard that he suffered greatly near his death, but I don't know the whole story. It was Huxley that bought the first 1500 copies of Darwin's book and promoted it. I think there were two Huxleys and I've never done any indepth studies on how it all came about.
I think there were a whole hierarchy of Academic/Sophist AntiGod individuals in inner circles that were waiting on that book. "Because they believed not the truth, I will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." The Lord works in mysterious ways, huh?
I have a paper titled, "Science and Theories of Origins, Phase Three>Beyond The Classroom, Comprehension and The Science of Context." It is well received by UD's Engineering Institute. If you do a Google search on The Science of Context and follow it to the end, you won't find that page. Someone told Google to remove it from the database.
But it doesn't matter, as long as we each and collectively continue to lift up the Lord's Name, seek His Face, pray without ceasing and plant seeds as the Lord leads us, God through Jesus will to seek and pursue the lost.
I will pray with you Steve, that the Lord open doors to ministry oportunities. You ought to, you're good at it.
Steve Belttari said:
So much of the Bible is about enduring suffering, if the Bible is approached in a devotional way. James 5 vs 11 says: " Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy". It seems that so much of my experience has been about quietly enduring suffering, the Lord has not put me into the ministry yet, maybe the Lord does use my input on Kingdom Insight to minister to people.
I'm assuming that it is the infamous Charles Darwin that you made reference to. I have heard that he did have a conversion to Christianity before he died. This could be true, there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven(blasphemy of the Holy Spirit). I'm just curious of what his repentance from dead works would be, like everything that I have written is a bunch of nonsense.
"We only see through a glass darkly", which is why we should be sober minded about the faith that God has given us(Romans 12 vs 3). The apostle Paul had many supernatural experiences, one of them he was taken to Heaven, he said he could not communicate in human language what he experienced there, and even if he could it would not be lawful to do so. Because of these revelations, there was given to Paul some type of affliction, the messanger of Satan to buffet him lest he should become exalted above measure. He asked God 3 times to take it from him, but the Lord said, "my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness".
Mark Edward Kroger said: