What did your parents do right?

My parents made many mistakes. Bottom line there is much that they caried from thier own childhoods and were not taught. It is impossible to pass on things that you never learned yourself. It is easy for me to get bogged down thinking about the things that my parents did wrong even though I am walking in forgivenes toward them. I feel like we need to flip side Mo's post and also look at what our parents did right. I'll start. I was often a very difficult person to be around in my teens. I took a lot of my anger out on my mother. She still took the time to be with and listen to me even though I had been a absolutely horrid person earlier in the day/week. I know now that it could not have been easy to stay nice to someone who was saying the things that I was saying. I really appreciate how she put her own emotions aside and made time for me.

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