
  • Wow. Some really good questons here. Must admit that I times I doubt and stumble also.

    1. Do you believe in a god? why? I believe in God. First because it is what I have been taught. It is more than that though. Way more. I gave this thing called Christianity a try. There are too many things that I cannot explain by any means other than supper natural. I have seen God answer my prayers big and little. I have at times stared the answer of a prayer in the face and totally missed it. Hind sight is 20-20 and I realized later the missed oportunity was an aswer to prayer. God has provided at times when I was facing lack. He has at times protected me from the actions of others and my own stupidity.
    You see I believe in the Christian God because I have seen His influence in the experiences of my life.

    2. What is God to you? He is the all controlling spiritual force. He is above all other gods. There are powers and principalities in the earthly realms too. We usually see these as demons of little Gods.
    He is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Ghost); one being with 3 parts.
    On a personal level God in the form of Jesus is my Savior. His resurection is why I can be seen as sinless when I am not Sinless. The Holy Spirit is my day to day guide the "voice in my head" not of myself that helps direct my path. This is the voice that suddenly prompts me to pray for another. Like any other voice in my head I can ignore the Holy Spirit. The Father is the component of the being that is in charge of each of these others. He is the leader and director so to speak. The all encompassing generic term for the whole deal is God.

    3. Are you part of an organized religion? I am part of a Church yes. It is nondenominational with a charismatic, spirit filled flavor. It is also Christian. I gather with other believers because it is part of my walk with the Lord. Hebrews also tells us to not skip the gathering of believer. I think it is also a personal thing. All of the Sunday stuff is useless if I am not relating to the Lord through prayer, worship, or reading the Bible on my own time.

    4. What are Gods qualities? The omnis mentioned above. He is also loving and just. This is hard to wrap our heads around because a just God sometimes does not seem very loving. I compare to a parent who cramps my style because they care enough not to let me do something that hurts me.
    With God it is complicated because he seems at times to allow bad things for some large purpose that I do not understand. God is also a provider and a nurturer.

    5. Religion in Government or Schools? Yes, if carefully handled. We tend to eliminate Chritianity only and leave all other influences. The founders didn't want prayer and the Bible out of schools. They wanted to be sure that the National government never again forced everyone to belong to the same church. I think leave Christianity in but also allow representation of other religions and their beliefs. IE Why does the Hindu, Muslim, or Jew do what they do. We ofter have very little understanding of what religions other than our own are about. It is too easy to write the other guy off because we don't agree with their views.

    6. Do you believe in Evolution? Not fully. I do think that adaptation and survival of the fittest happen all of the time. I don't see how an outdoors person could not see evidence of survival of the fittest. It is all around us. The weak, dumb, and the ill die. I do not think that one species has ever become another species. This would involve some pretty dramatic changes in physical structure and behavior. We know that large mutations are usually harmful. A few like color changes in flowers are merely handy for those in horticulture. Even in plants though mutations can be harmful.

    7. Do you believe in the Big Bang? Possibly. I am open to the idea. The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth...sounds like the universe to me. It does not tell us the mechanism used to creat them. What if God speaking led to an explosion that created the universe? Wouldn't that be a big bang?

    8. What's the Big Bang? A big explosion of some type that apparently resulted in the creation of the Universe as we understand it. In part used to explain why the universe is still expanding. Also how galaxies and planets happen.

    9. Did you have a religious upbringing and how does this affect your beliefs? Basically Christian. Hit and miss church attendance. Misses were usually because of parental frustration with a given church.

    10. Where do you get your morals from?
    They are the basic Judeao Christian moral. First learned as a small child. Latter reinforced by the Bible.
  • I don't think I've stated my views yet so here they are. Feel free to critique and comment on them; I would be happy to clarify and elaborate on any points.

    1. Do you believe in a god? why?

    No, I do not believe in any gods. However in order for me to make the claim that God doesn't exist it would require someone to define "God". I don't believe in God because there is no evidence or reason for believing in such a being. I have looked at all of the main arguments for the existence of God and none of them have come close to convincing me. However, I am always willing to be presented with new arguments and "proofs".

    2. What is God to you?

    To me God is a fictional character worshipped by the majority of humanity, although they have different gods. To me it is a hangover of a pre-scientific time when humanity had no answers and was willing to make them up.

    3. Are you part of an organized religion?

    No, although I do belong to my colleges' Secular Society and I attend Theology Society as well.

    4. What are Gods qualities?

    Many people would give the classic "omnis": omnipotence, omnipresence, omnibenevolence & omniscience. Of course these are contradictory and Theists have manipulated these qualities so they are more internally logical.

    5. Religion in Government or Schools?

    I think the Religion should be taught in schools; where students learn about religion, not how to be religious. I think both sides of religious arguments should be taught, similar to Religious Education/Studies here in the UK (except without the majority of the syllabus being Christian).

    When it comes to government, however, I think the US system (as it was set up, not how it's being used now) is the best system of government. Secularism is the way forward as far as I'm concerned.

    6. Do you believe in Evolution?

    I accept The Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection as it's the way which the evidence points towards. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the Theory is correct. Evolution is an observable fact, the Theory is the explanation of these events.

    7. Do you believe in the Big Bang?

    I accept the Big Bang for the same reasons why I accept Evolution; it's the way the evidence points.

    8. What's the Big Bang?

    The sudden expansion of matter and energy from a singularity which contained all matter, energy, all the physical laws and Time itself.

    9. Did you have a religious upbringing and how does this affect your beliefs?

    Not particularly, I went to church a few times but only at Christmas and Easter. I wasn't raised an Atheist but I was brought up in a fairly skeptical household, and I feel sure that this has influenced my current beliefs.

    10. Where do you get your morals from?

    We have evolved our morals. One of the main misconceptions is that Evolution only acts on physical attributes; it acts on mental abilities as well.
  • I am doubting God right now, but I will answer these questions as I think they are thought-provoking:

    1. Why do I believe in God
    It just makes sense that something had to create all that we see. When you look at a computer you don't think it just appeared out of thin air - you know that someone had to have created it. Sure, the first computer was medieval in terms of what was have today, and took many years to develop, but all along the way people were creating it, it didn't create itself. Likewise, someone or something had to have created the Earth in all its complexities - the trees, people and animals, the oceans, etc. They are not things which just appear out of thin air.

    2. What is God to you?
    In spiritual form, the being that created the Earth and the universe, and, in human form, Jesus.

    3. Are you part of an organized religion?
    Absolutely not. I think organized religion is what turns a lot of people off about Christianity and any religion in general. Just the word "religion" to me evokes a cult-like status. I believe in God, but I don't associate with an organized religion. To me it is more of a personal relationship with God.

    4. What are Gods' qualities?
    Loving, forgiving, understanding, righteous judgment

    5. Religion in Gov or School?
    Nooo! I believe in separation of church and state. On the same note, I don't think the government or schools should try to influence us in other ways, such as telling us what we should eat, what we should or shouldn't believe about things such as abortion, etc. These are almost religions in and of themselves because they are such hot topics in our society and, in a way, a facet of some people's lifestyles.

    6. Do you believe in Evolution?
    No. Small domesticated cats existed in the Egyptian times, and they exist today as well. Horses existed many years ago, and they're still here today. There's no way that over a period of time a cat will suddenly turn into a dog, LOL. I think most theories of evolution can be explained by adaptation. Animals adapt to their environments by growing thicker fur, etc.

    7. Do you believe in the Big Bang?

    8. What's the Big Bang?
    All matter in the universe can be attributed to one cosmic event millions or billions of years ago.

    9. Did you have a religious upbringing and how does this affect your beliefs?
    No, I did not have a religious upbringing, but my mom raised me with Christian morals. I think there's a big difference between religious upbringing - going to church every Sunday, and being raised with Christian morals.

    10. Where do you get your morals from?
    My mom, the Bible

    I'd also like to point out that I am not, nor is any Christian, perfect. Everyone has sinned at some point in their life, so there's no point in making oneself feel superior to others because they think they are a perfect person. The only perfect person is Jesus, and by examining how He lived his life, how he treated others, etc. you can start applying those principles to your own life.
  • thanks. I will watch it when I have some free time later.
    Personally, I think anyone (christians, muslims, atheists, etc) should know why they believe or dont believe what they do. These questions made me think about it.

    Francis Thomas said:
    Regarding question 8. I think you should watch this video addressing the Big Bang:

    Glad that you found the questions thought provoking.
  • Regarding question 8. I think you should watch this video addressing the Big Bang:

    Glad that you found the questions thought provoking.
  • 1. Why do i believe in God
    -I personally believe it is easier to believe in God than not to. It is easier for me to believe that God created the World than believe it was like *poof* *bang* there is the world. I would rather believe in somerhing that believe in nothing. I personally, cannot look around nature and not believe there is God. I know thats not an intense, deep answer but it is what it is.

    2. What is God to you?

    I believe Jesus was a human. Kind of like Jesus is the "face" for the Trinity aka the 3 part being of God. pretty complex stuff right there. lol . I believe God is many things. I believe that He is a 3 part being. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He is exactly who JESUS says He is in the Word of God aka the Bible. I dont add to it or take away from it. But yeah, thats my personal opinion.

    3. Are you part of an organized religion?
    --Im not sure, does Christianity count as an "organized" religion. But yes, I am a Christian. Im not some crazy, weird, judgement shouting, hate everyone who isnt a Christian type of Christian tho.

    4. What are Gods qualities?
    -All knowing, all loving, faithful, true, loyal, faithful, all wise. He is a big God and He is Mighty. I do not serve a weak God who rules by fear (like Islams God) but rules with a just but loving hand.

    5. Religion in Gov or School?
    I do believe in Seperation of CHurch and State. There is no point in forcing religion on ppl who dont want it. I mean, it would be great and ideal if laws and rules and judgements were made by Biblical standards. Using grace when needed, mercy when needed and judgement was needed. Not allowing our political system (in America) to do as it pleases. I also, do not think a country should force a specific religion on its people. (Iraq, Iran, China, etc)But it is also good to let ppl practice their own religion without hunting them down and killing them for becoming a Buddhist, Christian, Atheist, etc. I say let the citizens believe what they want. Their is a way to do things and a way not to do things-ahem, Iran.

    6. Do you believe in Evolution?
    -Not really. I believe little tiny bits of it may acutally be true but its something I have not studied. I dont believe Evolution is a dealbreaker. When I get to heaven God isnt going to ask me if I believed in Evolution.

    7. Do you believe in the Big Bang?
    -nope. I believe in Creation.

    8. Whats the Big Bang?
    -POOF and there was life

    9. Did you have a religious upbringing and how does this affect your beliefs?
    -This is a HUGE, jam packed question. Read here:

    10. Where do you get your morals from?
    -From the Word of God.
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