America has been known as the “melting pot” country. We have white, black, brown, and tan people. We have mixed races of black and white, black and brown, white and tan, etc. We have a mix of religions. Christians, Atheists (which is an organized “belief” of non believing which makes it a religion of sorts), Muslims, Hindu, Buddhists, Wiccans, Satanists, Catholics, etc. In the past America has also been known as ”Christian” nation.
This “one nation under God” was orginally based on Christian principles of God-fearing men who saw a future for this country, who saw the “American dream”, who saw greatness in its people. A nation supported by Christian principles. America is one of the few nations that has complete freedom of religion. As Christians in America in the 1800′s we had the luxury of going to church and being able to pray publicly without being ridiculed and verbally persecuted. Christians in America were treated as equals to those who were not of like faith. Being a Christian was not that big of a deal to people. In the 1900′s America began to change its view of Christians. It started with little things like making fun of Christians for sharing their faith publicly, calling Christians Bible Thumpers…harmless really.
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However with a woman who was basically just mad because kids were praying in school, teachers were praying in school and she didnt like it. So she decided to fight against it, being the first {documented} person to do so. After alot of debate the Courts ruled that “Seperation of Church and State” means not having public religion in schools. So, Prayer is now not aloud in Public Schools. In teh 21st Century we see documentaries being made on the “harm” of organized religion (but they specifically point out Christianity), we hear people talking about how Christians do more harm than good, etc. In 2012, being a Christian means losing friends, being jailed for quietly praying at a gay pride parade in Elmira, NY, being jailed for Street Preaching in Philidelphia, being fired as a teacher for praying with a Christian Student Bible Group, and many other examples. Christians in 2012 are under pressure to leave their faith in Christ and join the world and in this day and age temptation is everywhere. My problem is that we dont see Muslims going to jail for training their kids to kill anyone who tries to get them to turn from Islam, the papers dont cover all of the underground Muslim “training areas”. America has become a highly tolerant nation for every religion except Christianity. In 2010 it was under discussion by the courts as to whether the National Day of Prayer was technically legal. We have a President who as publicly said that America is not a “Christian” nation but a nation for all faiths. Christian freedom in America is slowly, quietly, being taken away little by little. Since when can a person go to jail for praying on a park bench at a gay parade?
Its no secret that Christians believe homosexuality is a sin, but if we want to sit quietly and pray thats our business. Now, if that man had been screaming “youre going to hell fags!” I would probably want to put them in jail too. I understand to an extent why Christians have such a bad name in America. We see “Christian radicals” constantly standing on street corners yelling and screaming of death, hell and judgement.
We hear about Christians who act as though they are better than the rest of the world. But that is not what true Christianity is. As Christians in America it is hard because of these “Radical Christians” who are making it hard for the real Christians to love people and meet the needs of this country. We are already seeing our religious freedoms slipping little by little. Already the country is being less tolerant of Christians and a day is coming when we will no longer be tolerated.