What kind of psychology schooling have you had? Any at all? From reading this I would have to say you have NO training in psychology.
Christianity maybe gaining followers abroad but it is losing followers in America. In fact those with no religion are the fastest growing in America.
Of religions Wicca is growing fastest in America. The American Religious Identification Survey gives Wicca an average annual growth of 143%..Globally, The World Christian Database as of 2007 estimated the growth rate of Christianity at 1.38%.
How many other theories do you believe are false?
Juanita said:
ZDENNY said:
I think it is important to note that Christianity is in a huge resurgence here in the U.S. I honestly have so many coming to Christ that I can't even handle the response.
I discovered in my conversations with atheists that they all have suffered an experience that has affected them emotionally. Since almost everyone has a belief in God, the real search is to find the emotional experience that resulted in them turning against that belief and reframing that experience.
Origin science is a very subjective project since all facts have to be interpreted rather than observed or demonstrated. I don't think it is helpful to debate origin science since it is subjective. It becomes a debate really about nothing because there are no facts that can be considered by themselves. The events themselves have not been observed by a human mind that can determine the cause and effect relationships and give a definitive answer to all questions related to origin science.
I don't think anyone disagrees on the issues of operational science which can be demonstrated and observed in the present. A person's worldview determines their view on Origin science. Even the fact that Lenski has clearly demonstrated that Darwinian evolution has to be false is not enough to convince the atheist that their worldview is untenable. You have to find and then deal with that emotional experience which has corrupted their view of God.
I thought I would add just a few helpful thoughts as I spent a lot of time talking with atheists and have learned where their non-belief is derived from. It is not intellectual; rather, it is emotional. At first I thought atheism was a intellectual conclusion; however, I found that intellect has nothing to do with atheism. Atheist simply use their intellect in an attempt to structure a coherent self-understanding in light of their negative emotional experience.
I have found that the vast majority suffer from a sense of rejection. I found that a number of them have ADHD which can be devestating to their emotional well-being. Atheism can also be obtained through unbalanced indoctrination; however, there usually is an emotional springboard that led to atheism before they could fully accept atheism as a worldview.
The way to help an atheist is simply by involving them in community so they can feel the love and acceptance of God's people. Christians win people by allowing the love of God to flow through our life and become a blessing to those who don't know Christ.
The path to atheism which involved lack of community can be resolved by simply involving them in community. The atheist community is full of anger and hatred. I think every honest atheist really doesn't want to be a part of that community since love is non-existent in their worldview. Sure, they find acceptance, but they don't find love. In fact, all I ever saw was a lot of anger and hatred. I never saw anything in the atheistic community that a rational person would ever find attractive.
Well the profile says a man. Some of the writing sure reads like a woman is typing. Folks might also be attempting to be insulting. I personally suspect a male/female team.
Just wondering, is ZDenny a woman or man? Some people refer to ZDenny as a man and others a woman?
charles ryan said:
Some conflicting messages from—zdenny.
zdenny SAYS:
“Don't try to put everyone in the same mold. Just learn to love others.”
“live a life that encourages, builds others up, inspires others and engage in a lifestyle of love.”
“Christians are different. We love are enemies, despite who they are or what they say.”
“(Don't) condemn those who have an open mind, (and who) encourage diversity of ideas.”
“Christians simply don't use these type of attacks(personal attacks). We delve into the realm of ideas rather than attack others.”
Nice, she is preaching, understanding, acceptance, and tolerance, of everyone, and their idea's......
But she completely contradicts what she preaches to others with these , bigoted and prejudiced statements.
zdenny SAYS:
“Most "so called" atheists are really just materialistic pantheists and simply don't realize it.”
“I never saw anything in the atheistic community that a rational person would ever find attractive”
“Atheist don't believe in the reality of love.”
“Atheist's really are immoral, and want to be, in their hearts.”
“I have found that the vast majority(Atheists) suffer from a sense of rejection”
“I found that many(Atheists) have ADHD”
“All secularists support tyranny”
“Atheists and secularists rely on force”
“You just need to visit a college town on the weekend and walk down main street, to see the lifestyle connected with alcohol.”
“The less fortunate seek ways to get money from the rich by means of the government.”
“The liberals are trying to push through the legalization of drugs.”
“As I stated, Darwinians all believe in aliens.”
“Darwinians are unable to love”
“Spain, France and Italy are Catholic countries that only pay lip service to the Bible”
WOW, do as I say, not as I do...hmmm...I'm confused. Maybe if we look at more of her comments and posts...things will clarify themselves.
What does zdenny have to say about science?
zdenny says: “Christianity is based and confirmed on the basis of the scientific method.” Then later zdenny says: “In science you never have absolute truth,” zdenny says: “We have overwhelming evidence for the resurrected Christ so it is not a matter of evidence.” Then later zdenny says: “In order to have something for which you have absolute(evidence) proof, you would have to constantly redo the experiment for eternity which obviously is outside the spectrum of a finite creatures ability.” zdenny says: “(The resurrection) has been observed in human history therefore making it a historical scientific truth that all should believe!” Then later zdenny says: “The evidence is a draw and no specific conclusions can be reached”
Here's a couple quotes on science that show bigotry, and prejudice.
zdenny says: “I personally don't believe that you can put a non-Christian in charge of any scientific endeavor”
“Science cannot be done in a godless way”
“all Christians support scientific inquiry”
Starting to wonder if zdenny might be delusional? Let's see what she has to say about herself.
zdenny says: “I can speak for all Christians because this is right from the mouth of Jesus Himself.”
“In my view, the Bible is not the source for Christianity”
“I go around dealing in the area of truth”
“The passage of the health bill was predicted by myself last year”
“there are very few arguments I haven't heard.”
“I am a free thinker who wants to know the world myself.”
“I am personally a contemporary Creationist who believes that the earth is both old and young”
“A true freethinker(who) creates their own terms”
Hey I'm no expert but I think a couple of those statements might be blasphemous. Any way Id give her credit for being a free-thinker. Ohh wait ...she's going to contradict that statement as well? zdenny says: “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Whoa... you sound a little like an extremist..as I free-thinker I wouldn't think you'd subscribe to some of the more, outdated, extreme, fundamentalists ideologies....ohhh... you do?
zdenny says: “Whether the earth is 4 billion years old or 6,000 years old is really a non-issue”
“Christians who drink are just not living a life of love in the Spirit.”
“If you flatten North and South America, you can end up with a worldwide flood”
“You have spoken in the same manner as an Atheist. I suspect you must be one.”
“ a person who in my judgment must be an atheist.”
“If you really desire to live a life of love in the Spirit, you need to die NOW".”
WHOA...your starting to scare me a little...glad y'all don't still have witch hunts. Ok so maybe you were a little overzealous with the free-thinker comment...cause your not quite there yet. But I can help you ...listen to your own words......
zdenny says:
“When everyone becomes selfish and driven by selfish interest(like religious beliefs), love is snuffed out and love grows cold which leads to an abundance of evil”
“You provide a great illustration about how your worldview of (Christianity) actually limits your ability to think critically and explore all the possible avenues.”
“As I have mentioned if you do consider this as definitive evidence(ANY one belief) you would have to be credulous in the face of literally scores of other similar claims. Either that or be transparently inconsistent, which isn't exactly the most convincing way to arrive at truth."
I wanted to post more of your comments but, wow, this is already so long. So I'll do one last thing then I'll shut up....using your words and your particular brand of circle reasoning...I am going to draw a conclusion about you.....
zdenny says: “The evidence for the resurrection is very measurable with over 500 witnesses of the resurrection.” “(It has) been observed in human history therefore making it a historical scientific truth that all should believe!” I would like to point out there have been ufo sightings that were witnessed by more than 500 people. According to your above statement this makes aliens an,“historical scientific truth that all should believe!”including you. Zdenny also says: “As I stated, Darwinians all believe in aliens.” Using your brand of circular reasoning, it can be stated that ”all who believe in aliens are Darwinians.”Including you. Zdenny also says: “Darwinians are unable to love”This now includes you. So what brought you to claim your an, all loving christian, when it's obvious your clearly a loveless, Darwinian? I'll just let you explain it..... “Since Darwinians believe in Aliens, why is it so hard to accept the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It should be a rather simple step for these alien believing people.” And it apparently was for you....
“Don't try to put everyone in the same mold. Just learn to love others.”
“live a life that encourages, builds others up, inspires others and engage in a lifestyle of love.”
“Christians are different. We love are enemies, despite who they are or what they say.”
“(Don't) condemn those who have an open mind, (and who) encourage diversity of ideas.”
“Christians simply don't use these type of attacks(personal attacks). We delve into the realm of ideas rather than attack others.”
Nice, she is preaching, understanding, acceptance, and tolerance, of everyone, and their idea's......
But she completely contradicts what she preaches to others with these , bigoted and prejudiced statements.
zdenny SAYS:
“Most "so called" atheists are really just materialistic pantheists and simply don't realize it.”
“I never saw anything in the atheistic community that a rational person would ever find attractive”
“Atheist don't believe in the reality of love.”
“Atheist's really are immoral, and want to be, in their hearts.”
“I have found that the vast majority(Atheists) suffer from a sense of rejection”
“I found that many(Atheists) have ADHD”
“All secularists support tyranny”
“Atheists and secularists rely on force”
“You just need to visit a college town on the weekend and walk down main street, to see the lifestyle connected with alcohol.”
“The less fortunate seek ways to get money from the rich by means of the government.”
“The liberals are trying to push through the legalization of drugs.”
“As I stated, Darwinians all believe in aliens.”
“Darwinians are unable to love”
“Spain, France and Italy are Catholic countries that only pay lip service to the Bible”
WOW, do as I say, not as I do...hmmm...I'm confused. Maybe if we look at more of her comments and posts...things will clarify themselves.
What does zdenny have to say about science?
zdenny says: “Christianity is based and confirmed on the basis of the scientific method.” Then later zdenny says: “In science you never have absolute truth,” zdenny says: “We have overwhelming evidence for the resurrected Christ so it is not a matter of evidence.” Then later zdenny says: “In order to have something for which you have absolute(evidence) proof, you would have to constantly redo the experiment for eternity which obviously is outside the spectrum of a finite creatures ability.” zdenny says: “(The resurrection) has been observed in human history therefore making it a historical scientific truth that all should believe!” Then later zdenny says: “The evidence is a draw and no specific conclusions can be reached”
Here's a couple quotes on science that show bigotry, and prejudice.
zdenny says: “I personally don't believe that you can put a non-Christian in charge of any scientific endeavor”
“Science cannot be done in a godless way”
“all Christians support scientific inquiry”
Starting to wonder if zdenny might be delusional? Let's see what she has to say about herself.
zdenny says: “I can speak for all Christians because this is right from the mouth of Jesus Himself.”
“In my view, the Bible is not the source for Christianity”
“I go around dealing in the area of truth”
“The passage of the health bill was predicted by myself last year”
“there are very few arguments I haven't heard.”
“I am a free thinker who wants to know the world myself.”
“I am personally a contemporary Creationist who believes that the earth is both old and young”
“A true freethinker(who) creates their own terms”
Hey I'm no expert but I think a couple of those statements might be blasphemous. Any way Id give her credit for being a free-thinker. Ohh wait ...she's going to contradict that statement as well? zdenny says: “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Whoa... you sound a little like an extremist..as I free-thinker I wouldn't think you'd subscribe to some of the more, outdated, extreme, fundamentalists ideologies....ohhh... you do?
zdenny says: “Whether the earth is 4 billion years old or 6,000 years old is really a non-issue”
“Christians who drink are just not living a life of love in the Spirit.”
“If you flatten North and South America, you can end up with a worldwide flood”
“You have spoken in the same manner as an Atheist. I suspect you must be one.”
“ a person who in my judgment must be an atheist.”
“If you really desire to live a life of love in the Spirit, you need to die NOW".”
WHOA...your starting to scare me a little...glad y'all don't still have witch hunts. Ok so maybe you were a little overzealous with the free-thinker comment...cause your not quite there yet. But I can help you ...listen to your own words......
zdenny says:
“When everyone becomes selfish and driven by selfish interest(like religious beliefs), love is snuffed out and love grows cold which leads to an abundance of evil”
“You provide a great illustration about how your worldview of (Christianity) actually limits your ability to think critically and explore all the possible avenues.”
“As I have mentioned if you do consider this as definitive evidence(ANY one belief) you would have to be credulous in the face of literally scores of other similar claims. Either that or be transparently inconsistent, which isn't exactly the most convincing way to arrive at truth."
I wanted to post more of your comments but, wow, this is already so long. So I'll do one last thing then I'll shut up....using your words and your particular brand of circle reasoning...I am going to draw a conclusion about you.....
zdenny says: “The evidence for the resurrection is very measurable with over 500 witnesses of the resurrection.” “(It has) been observed in human history therefore making it a historical scientific truth that all should believe!” I would like to point out there have been ufo sightings that were witnessed by more than 500 people.
According to your above statement this makes aliens an,“historical scientific truth that all should believe!”including you. Zdenny also says: “As I stated, Darwinians all believe in aliens.” Using your brand of circular reasoning, it can be stated that ”all who believe in aliens are Darwinians.”Including you. Zdenny also says: “Darwinians are unable to love”This now includes you.
So what brought you to claim your an, all loving christian, when it's obvious your clearly a loveless, Darwinian?
I'll just let you explain it..... “Since Darwinians believe in Aliens, why is it so hard to accept the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It should be a rather simple step for these alien believing people.” And it apparently was for you....
You video simply proves what I mean. The argument is invalid and irrational. The Bible uses the word faith as the ground of all knowledge. If you are married, you have faith that your wife exists based on the evidence that you can see her, touch her, talk to her. If you are a Christian, you have faith that Christ rose from the dead based on the fact that the disciples saw him, touch him and spoke with him.
Your idea of "no evidence" is meant to exclude all evidence that does not comport with operational science; however, not everything comports with operational science. For instance, George Washington's existence cannot be demonstrated today because his existence cannot be repeated. Using your logic, you would have to conclude that it is irrational to believe that George Washington existed because you don't have any evidence.
The problem is not a matter of reason though. Dennett, Dawkins and the whole New Atheist crowd know they have to create an emotional experience to win converts to atheism. Why do you think they keep preaching that Christianity is "DANGEROUS" and "DESTROYS" peoples lives. All the facts are to the contrary because history shows that Christianity was the birth canal towards our modern world. They are presenting a psychological argument in order to create a negative experience in order to win more converts. It is based on emotionalism... it is not reason or evidence that guides their thought process. Even the leaders of the NEW ATHEISM understand the process by which a person becomes an atheist.
I think it is important to note that Christianity is in a huge resurgence here in the U.S. I honestly have so many coming to Christ that I can't even handle the response.
I discovered in my conversations with atheists that they all have suffered an experience that has affected them emotionally. Since almost everyone has a belief in God, the real search is to find the emotional experience that resulted in them turning against that belief and reframing that experience.
Origin science is a very subjective project since all facts have to be interpreted rather than observed or demonstrated. I don't think it is helpful to debate origin science since it is subjective. It becomes a debate really about nothing because there are no facts that can be considered by themselves. The events themselves have not been observed by a human mind that can determine the cause and effect relationships and give a definitive answer to all questions related to origin science.
I don't think anyone disagrees on the issues of operational science which can be demonstrated and observed in the present. A person's worldview determines their view on Origin science. Even the fact that Lenski has clearly demonstrated that Darwinian evolution has to be false is not enough to convince the atheist that their worldview is untenable. You have to find and then deal with that emotional experience which has corrupted their view of God.
I thought I would add just a few helpful thoughts as I spent a lot of time talking with atheists and have learned where their non-belief is derived from. It is not intellectual; rather, it is emotional. At first I thought atheism was a intellectual conclusion; however, I found that intellect has nothing to do with atheism. Atheist simply use their intellect in an attempt to structure a coherent self-understanding in light of their negative emotional experience.
I have found that the vast majority suffer from a sense of rejection. I found that a number of them have ADHD which can be devestating to their emotional well-being. Atheism can also be obtained through unbalanced indoctrination; however, there usually is an emotional springboard that led to atheism before they could fully accept atheism as a worldview.
The way to help an atheist is simply by involving them in community so they can feel the love and acceptance of God's people. Christians win people by allowing the love of God to flow through our life and become a blessing to those who don't know Christ.
The path to atheism which involved lack of community can be resolved by simply involving them in community. The atheist community is full of anger and hatred. I think every honest atheist really doesn't want to be a part of that community since love is non-existent in their worldview. Sure, they find acceptance, but they don't find love. In fact, all I ever saw was a lot of anger and hatred. I never saw anything in the atheistic community that a rational person would ever find attractive.
I think it is important to note that Christianity is in a huge resurgence here in the U.S. I honestly have so many coming to Christ that I can't even handle the response.
I discovered in my conversations with atheists that they all have suffered an experience that has affected them emotionally. Since almost everyone has a belief in God, the real search is to find the emotional experience that resulted in them turning against that belief and reframing that experience.
Origin science is a very subjective project since all facts have to be interpreted rather than observed or demonstrated. I don't think it is helpful to debate origin science since it is subjective. It becomes a debate really about nothing because there are no facts that can be considered by themselves. The events themselves have not been observed by a human mind that can determine the cause and effect relationships and give a definitive answer to all questions related to origin science.
I don't think anyone disagrees on the issues of operational science which can be demonstrated and observed in the present. A person's worldview determines their view on Origin science. Even the fact that Lenski has clearly demonstrated that Darwinian evolution has to be false is not enough to convince the atheist that their worldview is untenable. You have to find and then deal with that emotional experience which has corrupted their view of God.
I thought I would add just a few helpful thoughts as I spent a lot of time talking with atheists and have learned where their non-belief is derived from. It is not intellectual; rather, it is emotional. At first I thought atheism was a intellectual conclusion; however, I found that intellect has nothing to do with atheism. Atheist simply use their intellect in an attempt to structure a coherent self-understanding in light of their negative emotional experience.
I have found that the vast majority suffer from a sense of rejection. I found that a number of them have ADHD which can be devestating to their emotional well-being. Atheism can also be obtained through unbalanced indoctrination; however, there usually is an emotional springboard that led to atheism before they could fully accept atheism as a worldview.
The way to help an atheist is simply by involving them in community so they can feel the love and acceptance of God's people. Christians win people by allowing the love of God to flow through our life and become a blessing to those who don't know Christ.
The path to atheism which involved lack of community can be resolved by simply involving them in community. The atheist community is full of anger and hatred. I think every honest atheist really doesn't want to be a part of that community since love is non-existent in their worldview. Sure, they find acceptance, but they don't find love. In fact, all I ever saw was a lot of anger and hatred. I never saw anything in the atheistic community that a rational person would ever find attractive.
We are all born atheist, just as we all start out female in the womb. HA ha woman made from mans rib,silly in the light of reality.
Christianity maybe gaining followers abroad but it is losing followers in America. In fact those with no religion are the fastest growing in America.
Of religions Wicca is growing fastest in America. The American Religious Identification Survey gives Wicca an average annual growth of 143%..Globally, The World Christian Database as of 2007 estimated the growth rate of Christianity at 1.38%.
How many other theories do you believe are false?
Juanita said:
charles ryan said:
Some conflicting messages from—zdenny.
zdenny SAYS:
zdenny SAYS:
WOW, do as I say, not as I do...hmmm...I'm confused. Maybe if we look at more of her comments and posts...things will clarify themselves.
What does zdenny have to say about science?
zdenny says:
“Christianity is based and confirmed on the basis of the scientific method.”
Then later zdenny says:
“In science you never have absolute truth,”
zdenny says:
“We have overwhelming evidence for the resurrected Christ so it is not a matter of evidence.”
Then later zdenny says:
“In order to have something for which you have absolute(evidence) proof, you would have to constantly redo the experiment for eternity which obviously is outside the spectrum of a finite creatures ability.”
zdenny says:
“(The resurrection) has been observed in human history therefore making it a historical scientific truth that all should believe!”
Then later zdenny says:
“The evidence is a draw and no specific conclusions can be reached”
Here's a couple quotes on science that show bigotry, and prejudice.
zdenny says:
“I personally don't believe that you can put a non-Christian in charge of any scientific endeavor”
“Science cannot be done in a godless way”
“all Christians support scientific inquiry”
Starting to wonder if zdenny might be delusional? Let's see what she has to say about herself.
zdenny says:
“I can speak for all Christians because this is right from the mouth of Jesus Himself.”
“In my view, the Bible is not the source for Christianity”
“I go around dealing in the area of truth”
“The passage of the health bill was predicted by myself last year”
“there are very few arguments I haven't heard.”
“I am a free thinker who wants to know the world myself.”
“I am personally a contemporary Creationist who believes that the earth is both old and young”
“A true freethinker(who) creates their own terms”
Hey I'm no expert but I think a couple of those statements might be blasphemous.
Any way Id give her credit for being a free-thinker. Ohh wait ...she's going to contradict that statement as well?
zdenny says:
“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Whoa... you sound a little like an extremist..as I free-thinker I wouldn't think you'd subscribe to some of the more, outdated, extreme, fundamentalists ideologies....ohhh... you do?
zdenny says:
“Whether the earth is 4 billion years old or 6,000 years old is really a non-issue”
“Christians who drink are just not living a life of love in the Spirit.”
“If you flatten North and South America, you can end up with a worldwide flood”
“You have spoken in the same manner as an Atheist. I suspect you must be one.”
“ a person who in my judgment must be an atheist.”
“If you really desire to live a life of love in the Spirit, you need to die NOW".”
WHOA...your starting to scare me a little...glad y'all don't still have witch hunts.
Ok so maybe you were a little overzealous with the free-thinker comment...cause your not quite there yet. But I can help you ...listen to your own words......
zdenny says:
“When everyone becomes selfish and driven by selfish interest(like religious beliefs), love is snuffed out and love grows cold which leads to an abundance of evil”
“You provide a great illustration about how your worldview of (Christianity) actually limits your ability to think critically and explore all the possible avenues.”
“As I have mentioned if you do consider this as definitive evidence(ANY one belief) you would have to be credulous in the face of literally scores of other similar claims. Either that or be transparently inconsistent, which isn't exactly the most convincing way to arrive at truth."
I wanted to post more of your comments but, wow, this is already so long.
So I'll do one last thing then I'll shut up....using your words and your particular brand of circle reasoning...I am going to draw a conclusion about you.....
zdenny says:
“The evidence for the resurrection is very measurable with over 500 witnesses of the resurrection.”
“(It has) been observed in human history therefore making it a historical scientific truth that all should believe!”
I would like to point out there have been ufo sightings that were witnessed by more than 500 people.
According to your above statement this makes aliens an, “historical scientific truth that all should believe!” including you.
Zdenny also says:
“As I stated, Darwinians all believe in aliens.”
Using your brand of circular reasoning, it can be stated that
”all who believe in aliens are Darwinians.”Including you.
Zdenny also says:
“Darwinians are unable to love”This now includes you.
So what brought you to claim your an, all loving christian, when it's obvious your clearly a loveless, Darwinian?
I'll just let you explain it.....
“Since Darwinians believe in Aliens, why is it so hard to accept the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It should be a rather simple step for these alien believing people.”
And it apparently was for you....