You want to melt the heart of God? When you go before him in prayer to make your petitions known to him. You begin to praise him and thank him for all He has done. You have your rights as priests but now instead of asking Him to meet what ever need, you just praise and begin to tell Him, You just love Him..God begins to question, "What is this? What are you up to today? You say, Lord, I just want to tell you that I love you! I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! I don't ask anything, I don't want anything, I just wanted to tell you that I love you! If you want to melt the heart of God, this will do it and more so than any earth Father, God will gladly say, I love you more and hold out His blessings to you...Try it. God deserves your total love, adoration, thankfulness and praise and You melt His heart when you draw closer to him and you know what else, He draws closer to you as well... Father, I just wanted to say, I LOVE YOU!
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You do experience an art of praise that many Christians do not even attempt. There is such a great freedom in the praise of dance before the Lord and every Christian needs to allow to Lord to be praised with their whole heart and in the art of praise to dance before him.. When we hold back, we are reserved and only missing out of true praise unto God! Praise Him in song and dance before Him with all your might! I have a dear friend who teaches the art of praise dancing before the Lord and God greatly uses her and blesses her in doing so for His glory! There is a great release and people have also been healed in the dance of praise! Blessings!
Agreeing 100%...prayer to me is all about relationship, and less about having a Walmart list of needs. After all it is the special time that we spend at His feet, expressing how He is the object of our affections...that He lets us know that we are also the object of His affections. I love the dance of prayer...when my head is rested on His chest and I can hear the beat and rythum of His heart. Great exhort Prince Danny! It stirred me to go dance and romance the lover of my soul.