WHAT IS THE KINGDOM? I am focusing on my "Kingdom Identity" and meditating on "The Kingdom of God" as the core basis of my identity, both for this life and in the world to come.
The Kingdom of God is omnipresent as well as eternal and non-linear. but we are finite, we can only see things from one place at one time. That's called "perspective"-
If we see the Kingdom from here as it was established by Christ when He rose, we can describe the Kingdom in one way.
If we see the Kingdom from there, at the moment when Christ rose and established His reign, we might describe it in one way.
I can describe the Kingdom, I think, as the Kingdom that has come, the Kingdom that is coming, and the Kingdom to come. But, in reality, all of this, and more, is the Kingdom. As a human being I MUST describe things from a perspective, but one day I will be able to see from all perspective, at once, with perfect clarity.
The nations/states of this earth only superficially resemble the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom has a domain, it has a ruler and a government (Christ and His Ecclesia), it has laws and standards, and it has citizens.
Often, however, people have understood the Kingdom as if the nations-states of this world are the model we use to see the Kingdom, as if the Kingdom resembles them. But to get the right concept and truth, we have to see that the Kingdom comes first, God has always been God and His reign has always been the highest reign, and that the nations and states of this earth are merely pale and fading, ephemeral shadows of the Kingdom of God.
In other words, we should be seeing the Kingdom first and the nations and states as ale shadows that only superficially resemble the Kingdom, and that not for long because they are all ephemeral and passing.
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