Two months ago God helped me to lead Chet to Christ and now he is out of jail and growing in the Lord. It was so thrilling to hear him declare, almost out of the blue, in our men's meeting last Monday that he is going to go home and destroy many evil things in his possession. It was like something right out of the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit convicted people to burn all of the evil things in their possession. God promised in His word that as we seek him and turn from our evil ways, then He will hear from heaven and heal us! Have you ever read in Mathew 25 what Jesus said about visiting people in prison? Today, there is a great need for God’s people to visit those who are in prison. Has God ever convicted you to serve him in this way? Please share your experiences!

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  • Also, I recently spoke with one inmate who has been impacted and encouraged by Pat's ministry. They are facing some very big decisions in life and shared how his message at the prison chapel service really touched them and encouraged them to keep on the right path, and gave them confidence that GOd was with them every step of the way in their decision. Thank you Pat!
  • To be completely honest, I was never really impressed with how great a need there is for prison ministry until I visited someone in prison about a month ago. Sure, I agreed with the idea, and "more power" to those who are involved, but it never hit me personally. But after visiting the prison and hearing an inmate tell me about the perspectives that many of the inmates have, I wholeheartedly agree that we have a HUGE opportunity to reach an entire group of people for Christ and give them HOPE and a NEW LIFE. It seems so many are despairing of that and I pray that churches will get passionate about prison ministry. Visitations are huge, but I think ministry through correspondence could also be very helpful. The inmates usually only get 1-2 visits a week, leaving them with tons of time to think, etc. Why not bless them with letters, etc.?
    A few years ago I visited Argentina on a mission trip led by Ed Silvoso and his organization. We went to Los Almos - a HUGE federal/ state prison there. And a revival is happening there. It was incredible. I pray that Christians everywhere will rise up and reach out to this "lost people group." Let's show them how to find the way, the truth, and the life... in Jesus!
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