A few weeks ago a Jewish gentleman sat in my office. He asked for my help and for your help. Here is the story... This is Ralph’s story and why he has come to us, Christian believers, for help. Ralph is very concerned about Iran's hostilty towards Israel and America and its closeness to gaining nuclear weapons. He had been approached by and provided guidance to a small but distinguished Jewish-led group that is working on this issue. They have moved on with their project and he is rooting for their success but believes the threat is so dire that it requires as many citizen advocates as he can find and mobilize. His decision was that he would ask for help from Christians. He knows how passionately loyal true Christians are to Israels' security, and how loyal to America we are, and humbly approached us with a cry for help. Thus was born Good News Action, a Christian-led civic league based on Biblical values, with its first order of business to raise a cry among Christian communities that the U.S. government and leaders of the free world take decisive action to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons. How does this relate to you? We can all make a difference. We’re busy, of course. But, a little effort from a lot of people is what is needed. We must support Israel. Those who bless Israel, God will bless!!! Details are here – please join; we can stay informed and, as believers, we can both pray and help! http://tiny.cc/1GCUK

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