When you go outside, it is not uncommon to step over a threshold - that boundary that separates what is 'inside' from what is 'outside'.

God has far more for us that we can think or imagine.   To experience those things, we need to step over the boundaries that trap us 'inside'.   Many people fail to go beyond these boundaries...

What are the boundaries in your life?

         What keeps you from loving God more,

             ...from sharing the Good News with those around you?

             ...from connecting more deeply and more deliberately with other believers to extend the Kingdom?

             ...from fulfilling all those things that God has called you to accomplish?

Take an inventory!

           Are you unsure how to be Christian without being branded as a religious 'loon', losing the little influence you have?

           Are you afraid, just plain human fear of what other people might think or how they may react if you stepped out and did what is in your heart to do?

           Are you lazy, hating to admit it, but, yes - the work of the Kingdom is hard to do and your just kinda coasting...

           Are you busy, too busy, focusing on a thousand important things and leaving the vital things of the Kingdom undone?

           Do the ways of the Kingdom not 'square' with how it seems things should be done, after all, why NOT treat people for they DO, not as you would like them to treat YOU?

We need to get over thresholds like the ones above...   FIRST in our own lives, then helping one another 

  1. We need to love one another, be devoted to, and give honor to one another
  2. We should pursue peace and build up one another, try to be of the same mind, avoid dividing from one another, but seeking each other’s good.  Accept, admonish, and encourage one another to good deeds.
  3. We should assemble together, greet each other warmly, serve one another, bear each other’s burdens, be hospitable.  We should tell each other the truth, be kind, harmonious, sympathetic, gentle, tolerant, patient, bearing with one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other.  We should exhort, reprove, teach, admonish, encourage and build up one another.  Plus, speak to each other in psalms and spiritual songs, submit one to another, pray for each other, for our weakness and those things God needs to heal.
  4. We ought not have unpaid debts, complain about each other, be judgmental or put obstacles or stumbling blocks in each other’s ways, or or practice ‘payback’ or tolerate godless behavior.   Be selfish, haughty/conceited toward one another, envying each other, speaking disrespectfully of each other.
  5. We provide for those family members wherein we have responsibility, we help meet each other’s needs and we share in responsibilities. 

 Living this was is just not NATURAL.   Right.  It is SUPERNATURAL.    We have to, though.  We have to get from where we are to where God wants us to be.  We need to get over the thresholds.    


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  • I think this comment by Freedomist describes one of the key thresholds that hold us back...  FEAR.   Agree? Or not?   http://j.mp/JHTjgt

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