This is a heavy topic and as Christians, we believe that according to holy scriptures, and according to Bible Prophecy, I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I see in the horizen, a one world global government, a one world global religion, a one world global military and police force and a one world banking system. I have discussed on many topics from who the Antichrist may be, and what is his mark? I realize that by standing such stands and believing certain things that are discussed, many may find themselves not knowing what to believe. How do you judge Bible Prophecy with what is going on in the world in this day and hour? There are those who believe in the Rapture and some who don't. Some believe in pre-rapture, mid-rapture, and post- rapture and for many years, there were those christians who believed and were convinced that Hitler himself was the coming Antichrist..Who knows, they may have died under his satanic reign, thinking that he was. But we know of coarse that He wasn't the Antichrist, but only a form. So again, how as Christians are we stand when you have so much diversities in what we all believe? Aren't we all to believe and agree the same way according to the true doctrines of Christ? This nation in which we lived, in what direction is it headed? Do you think that true revival will break out and millions will give their heart and life to Christ here in the USA or do you think the Leaders of this nation will lead in the drawing of other nations and itself, to be governed by the Antichrist? What do you think? Feel free to ask me what I believe in any given topic and I will straightly tell you...Blessings..
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Brother Pat, You are so right..It is sad that God in order to get the attention of people, he must allow some type of disaster in order for them to call upon him and if you will recall, back in 1999, months right before the 2000 year computer clitch. People were going out even Christians, were buying generators, food supplies, gearing up for the worst. The Churches were getting more crowded with folks who hadn't been in Church for years. Just in case..Then, after everything proved out, everything went back to normal. The Churches lost attendance, people were short funded because of the fear of the unknown. The little boy who cried wolf went back into hiding. But now what? Another date, another coming holocaust in 2012..What is it now? A meteor going to hit the earth? I'm so glad that I am on God's side. There is no fear for those who's trust is in the Lord. But even though, their are some issues I believe the Christians need to be on the front lines about. What is your knowledge of RFID chips or Microchip Implants? I have studied this as being the "Mark" of the Antichrist and they are implanting people, like they were animals..Thanks for your comments. Look forward to hearing more..
We are living in exciting days! Days when false securities and facades are falling. Jesus said a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of his possessions. Many in this country are on the verge of being vomited out of the mouth of God due to their deceived arrogant self concept, saying to themselves “I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing”. But, God who is rich in mercy and who doesn’t want any to perish, but all to come to repentance might just be giving the western world an opportunity to see themselves in truth. With out Christ we are all wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked! And Just like the Laodiceans the Lord Jesus Christ is reaching out to us and counseling us to buy from him gold refined in the fire, so we can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so we can cover our shameful nakedness; and salve to put on our eyes, so we can see. In his love he rebukes and disciplines us and says. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Amen
Advancing the Kingdom...We look to the coming Kingdom of Christ on this earth, Yes, a glorious kingdom when temptation is no longer a threat to one's mind. A time when we shall see Christ face to face and all tears of sadness shall be no more. When the curse is lifted and there shall be true peace among the nations. It is a glorious day when the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb, and children shall not experience fear nor harm. It is then we who are Christians now who will then have an immoral body that will never grow old nor experience sickness and death ever again. I believe that even during this time we shall completely be perfected and complete as Christ himself is. And this is why we can look back to the cross and see that it was all because of Jesus..In his accusal of sin, it was our accusal of sin. In his mockery of being a king as a crown of thorns being placed on his head, it was our mockery of being a king, In his sentence of death, it was our sentence of death. In his being smitten and beaten with a whip made of broken pieces of bone and glass, it was our healing of all sicknesses and diseases that plaged the minds, bodies and spirits of mankind. In his walk to Galgotha's Hill carrying a wooden cross, it was our walk to being freed from every bondage of sins, to the very core of evil within us and from the deceptions, lies and temptations that we can be our own god, the idolity of SELF. In his being punished in the agony and pain as spikes being driven in his hands and feet, It was our peace being placed upon him. In his being lifted up naked, humiliated, disgraced, and cursed above all to see, it was our being lifted up as royal kings, priests and prophets to glorify the God of all creations. In His cry to the Father above saying, Father, please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!" It was God's declaration saying, "NOT GUILTY!" In his dying and the Father receiving his spirit, it was the Father receiving us as true sons and daughters of the Most High.. In his being being resurrected and glorified back to the Father, it was our being resurrected into the perfect image and likeness of Christ. The glory given to Christ that He has also received and to share it with you and I as now we are seated with Jesus in the heavenlies, far above all principalities and powers. In His unconditional love, faith, mercy, forgiveness, grace and power, we have been made heirs of Almighty God and co-heirs with Christ, and as Christ will be Crowned with many Crowns, we shall also receive crowns to lay down at his feet.. WE shall be given a new name, a white robe, a new home, a white horse, a new heaven and a new earth within dwells perfect love and righteousness and we shall know one another as Christ knows us. Yes, we shall advance the Kingdom of our mighty King, preparing those to whom God is calling and God will prepared this world by cleaning it up from those who are in rebellion against Him.. In saying this, we are the people of Almighty God, we are brothers and sisters to Jesus, given the divine anointing as kings and priests of authority and rights to rule, to reign, to judge Satan under our feet, in Jesus name.. We shall go forth to proclaim the freedom from sin and the coming of Christ kingdom as we are the Children of faith..Blessings....
I find myself excited about the future in a way I have never been excited before. Why? It is hard to get people's attention when they are well fed and satisfied with life. We are living in days where that is not the case.
We are entering an era when we can serve people who are fearful, hurting and needy.
We are entering an era when all that we, as Americans, have come to believe is being challenged. We don't even know if our nation can survive economically. I've never felt that way before. Until now.
Today there are more questions and concerns than there are answers.
Now is the time for the church to 'wake up'...
Now is the time for us to get our houses in order...
One thing should be obvious... things are bad in our nation. They might get worse, much worse. If the body of Christ responds in a divided, unfocused way -- we won't play much of a part in effective solutions. But, if the body of Christ responds in the power and wisdom of God, we could see an incredible revival and refocusing on the things that are important to God.
Now is the time for us to come together, to hear what God is saying to us and to hear what he wants US to do regarding the chaos unfolding around us!
We can't 'play church' any more. We need to humble ourselves and get our 'marching orders' from Him! We need to learn how to be more effective. We need to learn to work together.
The advancement of God's kingdom impacts families, communities and ultimately our nation.
We are entering an era when we can serve people who are fearful, hurting and needy.
We are entering an era when all that we, as Americans, have come to believe is being challenged. We don't even know if our nation can survive economically. I've never felt that way before. Until now.
Today there are more questions and concerns than there are answers.
Now is the time for the church to 'wake up'...
Now is the time for us to get our houses in order...
One thing should be obvious... things are bad in our nation. They might get worse, much worse. If the body of Christ responds in a divided, unfocused way -- we won't play much of a part in effective solutions. But, if the body of Christ responds in the power and wisdom of God, we could see an incredible revival and refocusing on the things that are important to God.
Now is the time for us to come together, to hear what God is saying to us and to hear what he wants US to do regarding the chaos unfolding around us!
We can't 'play church' any more. We need to humble ourselves and get our 'marching orders' from Him! We need to learn how to be more effective. We need to learn to work together.
The advancement of God's kingdom impacts families, communities and ultimately our nation.
Together, we need to advance His Kingdom.