Who is the ENEMY?

The scripture says that we are in a battle. Anyone going to battle must have a clear view of who the enemy is. If we don't have a clear view, we can spend way too much energy in the wrong place. Who is the enemy? (P-L-E-A-S-E DO NOT put the name of a denominational or political leader!)

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  • Rev. Homer!
    I loved your post. Yes! All of it - how true! And, yes, I want to see this and the other sites help move us toward what God has for us. We do not need to wallow in fear and dispair. If we live like that, we are defeated and can never accomplish those things God has for us to do!

    Rev. Homer said:
    Yes! I see it! Could we call prespective 'belief' - or at least a dimension of belief?
    How do we impact it? Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?

    (Could we call prespective 'belief' - or at least a dimension of belief?)

    Juanita, since the days that I became acquainted with Socrates in College I have always thought it best to stay away from definitions since definitions seem to shift like shadows. Nevertheless, we serve the God of absolutes. In light of this I will try to shed a little more practical light on this.

    Perspective indeed is a “dimension” of belief, but let us stay away from this word dimension lest we scare others away, and we are accused of being space cadets that are too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good.

    Now, we know that human perspective tends to see things from a one way point of view. By this I mean that we tend to see things from the realities that make up our belief systems. So by this we can say that perspective is a part of belief but not necessarily belief itself. They each feed on each other.

    Okay, let’s take a step back. Perspective is viewing truth derived from our reality. This is why I say it matters who you grow up with spiritually. Let’s think about King David for a moment. I am sure as a child he was taught the same things about God and his Word as many of his brothers. All pretty much the same as his fellow Israelites. Yet, the realities of his life out in the field tending to the flocks of his father gave him a different perspective on these beliefs. This in turn gave him the needed assurance of victory with any situation that he encountered. He met the situation with confidence because he knew his Covenant God.

    This same situation is what we find with the 12 spies and Joshua and Caleb. Twelve very well trained men, all with similar training and knowledge, went as they were sent. What made the difference? It was their perspective.

    You can also look at the three Jewish men in the book of Daniel. All three were thrown in the furnace, but they were fortunate enough to have been fully persuaded that God was able to deliver them whether the King carried out his threat or not. This is the type of persuasion and view that we need to have today in all that we encounter.

    (How do we impact it? Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?)

    Juanita, some years ago when I was studying theology I became aware of the many perspectives or points of view that tended to uncertainty and defeat. In my frustration I asked God, what was I to do? Even most of the major theologians had no confidence in God, God’s character or even his word for that matter.

    God’s response to me was with questions, right back at me. He asked, “DO YOU KNOW ME? DO YOU KNOW MY CHARACTER? DO YOU KNOW MY SON AND WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR YOU?” All these questions lead me to put down all the books about God and pick up His Book. You know, that human manual that we don’t like to read. (Meditation lead to revelation and revelation leads to manifestation) The impact of this was that I made a conscious decision to believe what he says about my situation. Not my perspective based on my reality, but His reality. I sought to see who was preaching the truth about God and His Word, His Character, and what He has done. Thus, for the most part I drowned out the voices of those that were as the 10 spies that came back from their mission and constantly told the people that defeat is assured and victory is for the hereafter. I stuck to the Joshua and Calebs of our generation. This is how you IMPACT your perspective of God and His Word. It matters who you listen to and what you listen to.

    Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?

    Yes, KingdomInsight can impact PERSPECTIVE by clinging and giving a voice to those that are fully persuaded concerning God’s Character, His Word and His plans, that they are YES and AMEN, for good and not for calamity. There will always be those that are of an evil and confusing report, but rejoice for there are still many that have the faith of a Joshua or a Caleb, and they will help lead you to victory.

    My prayer is that sites like yours will give voice to the unmovable reliability of God and His Word and the plans and purposes that He has for us, and that is for glory and victory.

    Free in Christ,

    Pastor Homer
  • Yes! I see it! Could we call prespective 'belief' - or at least a dimension of belief?
    How do we impact it? Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?

    (Could we call prespective 'belief' - or at least a dimension of belief?)

    Juanita, since the days that I became acquainted with Socrates in College I have always thought it best to stay away from definitions since definitions seem to shift like shadows. Nevertheless, we serve the God of absolutes. In light of this I will try to shed a little more practical light on this.

    Perspective indeed is a “dimension” of belief, but let us stay away from this word dimension lest we scare others away, and we are accused of being space cadets that are too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good.

    Now, we know that human perspective tends to see things from a one way point of view. By this I mean that we tend to see things from the realities that make up our belief systems. So by this we can say that perspective is a part of belief but not necessarily belief itself. They each feed on each other.

    Okay, let’s take a step back. Perspective is viewing truth derived from our reality. This is why I say it matters who you grow up with spiritually. Let’s think about King David for a moment. I am sure as a child he was taught the same things about God and his Word as many of his brothers. All pretty much the same as his fellow Israelites. Yet, the realities of his life out in the field tending to the flocks of his father gave him a different perspective on these beliefs. This in turn gave him the needed assurance of victory with any situation that he encountered. He met the situation with confidence because he knew his Covenant God.

    This same situation is what we find with the 12 spies and Joshua and Caleb. Twelve very well trained men, all with similar training and knowledge, went as they were sent. What made the difference? It was their perspective.

    You can also look at the three Jewish men in the book of Daniel. All three were thrown in the furnace, but they were fortunate enough to have been fully persuaded that God was able to deliver them whether the King carried out his threat or not. This is the type of persuasion and view that we need to have today in all that we encounter.

    (How do we impact it? Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?)

    Juanita, some years ago when I was studying theology I became aware of the many perspectives or points of view that tended to uncertainty and defeat. In my frustration I asked God, what was I to do? Even most of the major theologians had no confidence in God, God’s character or even his word for that matter.

    God’s response to me was with questions, right back at me. He asked, “DO YOU KNOW ME? DO YOU KNOW MY CHARACTER? DO YOU KNOW MY SON AND WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR YOU?” All these questions lead me to put down all the books about God and pick up His Book. You know, that human manual that we don’t like to read. (Meditation lead to revelation and revelation leads to manifestation) The impact of this was that I made a conscious decision to believe what he says about my situation. Not my perspective based on my reality, but His reality. I sought to see who was preaching the truth about God and His Word, His Character, and what He has done. Thus, for the most part I drowned out the voices of those that were as the 10 spies that came back from their mission and constantly told the people that defeat is assured and victory is for the hereafter. I stuck to the Joshua and Calebs of our generation. This is how you IMPACT your perspective of God and His Word. It matters who you listen to and what you listen to.

    Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?

    Yes, KingdomInsight can impact PERSPECTIVE by clinging and giving a voice to those that are fully persuaded concerning God’s Character, His Word and His plans, that they are YES and AMEN, for good and not for calamity. There will always be those that are of an evil and confusing report, but rejoice for there are still many that have the faith of a Joshua or a Caleb, and they will help lead you to victory.

    My prayer is that sites like yours will give voice to the unmovable reliability of God and His Word and the plans and purposes that He has for us, and that is for glory and victory.

    Free in Christ,

    Pastor Homer
  • Pastor William!
    Thanks so much for your godly Insight!

    Bishop & Mrs. William Surita said:
    Sister it is very clear: read Ephesians 6:12.
    Paul says it all when he speaks to the church of Ephesus.
    Or Epheso as I would call it.

    In GOD'S Love I remain,

    Pastor William Surita
  • Bennie!
    Thanks so much. We don't want to be boxing 'shadows'. :-)

    Bennie Yates said:
    Juanita you are right! We need to know who the enemy is. That is the problem many do not see it is spiritual not physical. And you are right we can spend wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much energy in the wrong place. Never heard it put the way you said it thought it was neat. Thank You
  • Sister it is very clear: read Ephesians 6:12.
    Paul says it all when he speaks to the church of Ephesus.
    Or Epheso as I would call it.

    In GOD'S Love I remain,

    Pastor William Surita
  • Juanita you are right! We need to know who the enemy is. That is the problem many do not see it is spiritual not physical. And you are right we can spend wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much energy in the wrong place. Never heard it put the way you said it thought it was neat. Thank You
  • Rev. Homer,

    Yes! I see it! Could we call prespective 'belief' - or at least a dimension of belief?
    How do we impact it? Is there a way that KingdomInsight can impact it?

    Rev. Homer said:
    Juanita, this is a good question. I understand that most people see things from a particular perspective and sometimes they won't let go of that perspective. It is very true that Satan is a great enemy and even self has to be put down. However, I have to say that the greatest enemy of any man or woman is, are you ready for this?

    It is too simple so it might slip away.

    I will only touch a bit on this as I don't have much time, but if you meditate on this it will certainly change your life. Okay, here goes. The greatest or number one enemy for anyone is their PERSPECTIVE. That is right. You have read it right; your number one enemy is your perspective. This is why I always tell people it matters who you grow up with, or to be more specific, what church you grow up with.

    I have spent the last few months simply dwelling on this before the congregation. You see, your perspective on who Jesus is and what he has done for you, will either hold you down or pull you over. Your perspective concerning WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST will either lead you to victory or keep you waiting for it. This is a very powerful thing. Jesus taught us to say we are strong when we are weak, to say we are rich when we are experiencing lack. Do you remember how Gideon the COWARD was addressed at his calling?
    (Judges 6:12 KJV)
    12"And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valor."

    Now we know that God calls those things that are not as though they were (Rom 4:17), this was one of those cases. You see God is in the business, by the Holy Spirit, of changing ones perspective on things. By changing your perspective to His he can then change your life. Ones perspective on Jesus and who He is and what He has done for and in us is what he is getting us to see.

    Make it your business to see yourself and your situation from God's perspective. This is the answer to your desire and question for victory. May God lead you and all that read this to know Him and the power of His resurrection toward you who believe and may your perspective be His.

    Free in Christ,

    Pastor Homer
  • Juanita, this is a good question. I understand that most people see things from a particular perspective and sometimes they won't let go of that perspective. It is very true that Satan is a great enemy and even self has to be put down. However, I have to say that the greatest enemy of any man or woman is, are you ready for this?

    It is too simple so it might slip away.

    I will only touch a bit on this as I don't have much time, but if you meditate on this it will certainly change your life. Okay, here goes. The greatest or number one enemy for anyone is their PERSPECTIVE. That is right. You have read it right; your number one enemy is your perspective. This is why I always tell people it matters who you grow up with, or to be more specific, what church you grow up with.

    I have spent the last few months simply dwelling on this before the congregation. You see, your perspective on who Jesus is and what he has done for you, will either hold you down or pull you over. Your perspective concerning WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST will either lead you to victory or keep you waiting for it. This is a very powerful thing. Jesus taught us to say we are strong when we are weak, to say we are rich when we are experiencing lack. Do you remember how Gideon the COWARD was addressed at his calling?
    (Judges 6:12 KJV)
    12"And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valor."

    Now we know that God calls those things that are not as though they were (Rom 4:17), this was one of those cases. You see God is in the business, by the Holy Spirit, of changing ones perspective on things. By changing your perspective to His he can then change your life. Ones perspective on Jesus and who He is and what He has done for and in us is what he is getting us to see.

    Make it your business to see yourself and your situation from God's perspective. This is the answer to your desire and question for victory. May God lead you and all that read this to know Him and the power of His resurrection toward you who believe and may your perspective be His.

    Free in Christ,

    Pastor Homer
  • As Christians, we are in a three-pronged war against the world, the flesh, and the devil (Satan). The latter two prongs are of obvious spiritual importance, and can lead to devastating results if not overcome, but we often miss the significance of the first prong--the world and worldliness. It is here where the rubber meets the road, and our theology and witness are put to the test as we encounter the many competing worldviews of our increasingly secular society. It is in this arena where, if we are not careful, our faith can be compromised and co-opted without our even realizing it--and we can suffer the same fate as the frog in the boiling pot analogy.
  • The enemy is the god of this world, the roaring lion, the accuser of the brethren, the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.

    2Co 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
    4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

    1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Re 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

    Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Many Christians believe in God, but pooh-pooh the idea of the devil. When we do not see his work around us, it is because we are blinded by his brilliance at lying. If we don't thnk he is there, he can influence us without us being suspicious. Whenever any Christian says to me that "No one can stop sinning", I know that they have been listening and believing Satan's lies. The Bible says that all authority and power in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus.

    If it is true that Jesus can not set us free from sin entirely, then it must mean that Satan is more powerful than Jesus. When a Christian tells me that he loves God but will always be obeying God's arche enemy, I know they have believed Satan's lie that he, Satan, won - not Jesus.
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