
  • …So why do I want to Grow? I realize the time is really short and would like to encourage as many as possible to want to know Christ for them self. I have never set in the House on the computer watching events happen. Christ says Watch and Pray! So when he comes everything I have will be left, just a total loss everything I have worked for my whole lifetime. So that is why Christ said it is hard for a rich man to go to heaven! The worse we have it here the happier we will be to leave all behind! So in a way BO is doing us a favor.
    Everyone will know when he come because there will be an earthquake like never before, everyone in the whole world will know it immediately! So everyone Pray that Christ knows you and is caring for you just believe in him, that is the first thing we must prove in our lives, sure we still have to ask for forgiveness every day but just be faithful!
  • …Love = Understanding = Growth and that would be one reason to Love more. To have greater understanding. Once we see the Big Picture, of why we Love then we can Love deeper and more growth will spring from that. We Love God, because he first Loved us. He gave his only begotten son so we could have ever lasting life.
    Perfect Love casts our fear. For there is NO fear in Love. How good is that! Does this mean I will not fear, NO. You will not be afraid of sudden fear, because Love assures you of God's protection, etc. he will deliver you from all your fears. Love believes all things, is that bad things? NO, Love thinks on good things, and endures all things, Love never fails. So back to fear, well that is tough at times, Happy. You know that. We'd all be pretty Happy if we didn't have fear. So the only thing to do is grow in Love and then we will grow up to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. For God does not give us the spirit of fear, but the Spirit of Love, Power and Sound Mind. So that means we will grow, no doubt and not be fearful, but fearless. "Anything that is truly worth while takes time, and some times a life time is needed." So what else do you have to do? Just grow in Love it will be worth it. Why? So you can be prosperous and be in health as your soul prospers, then "life is good."
    Did you know, there is something better than life?
    God's loving kindness is better than Life. Ps:63:3
    That is "Why I Want to Grow," so I can know (understand) the Love of God and be perfected in his Love, through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
  • …As new born Christians we are given the new life in Christ Jesus, the king..The Holy Spirit has entered our heart and has transform each and every born again believer into the very image of God. As new born babes in Christ, we are given the "milk" of the word of God whereby we grow in Christ..I want to grow in the ways of God, for I am yet learning, yet understanding and haven't fully matured for when a Christian is fully matured in Christ, they are fully being under the leading and surrender to the Holy Spirit, as Christ himself was. and being obedient to the Will of our Father in heaven. Many times we don't really know what the Will of the Father is and this is where we are not fully grown in the things of the Lord. Let us examime the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I see that when a Christian is fully grown and mature in the Spirit, they will completely have full use in the fruits as a part of their own nature in Christ, as well as the full use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God, when it comes to ministering to the needs of the people of this world. When fully grown in Christ, we shall be just like Jesus..I believe that Christians every where when fully grown and mature will stop the devil all over the yard. They will teach others, they will preach to others, they will bring forth healing, casting out of devils, restoring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. They will experience new limbs being restored. They will raise the dead to life again, just as Jesus said to do.. Many many people will turn from their wickedness and sins and then run to Jesus..They will see with their own eyes the glory of God that is among His people.. Yes, this may not occur until the 1000 year reign of Christ but I believe why wait until then? We have the name of Jesus now! We have the Spirit of God within us now! We have the power, we have the anointing to do these things now! But do we have the faith? This is why I want to grow.
  • ….I have one big reason for wanting to grow: Time is short. I believe we are living in the end times. For some people time is even shorter than they realize: they could step out into eternity at anytime.
  • …I believe that growing will draw us all closer to God. I will also help us to know what Jesus meant that we need to live like Jesus lives. To me there is no other way to get that type of understanding than to be in the word. I find that when we go through tough times and draw to our LORD we become stronger though it. It is a blessing for us all to grow in Christ.
  • ….For the better part of my 52 (almost) years, I have lived my life, believing in God, yet not making him Number ONE in my life. He has blessed me with a beautiful son, a good husband, a childhood that I still visit today because it was so full of friends,family, fun, love and all of the best things a child could ever ask for. He has blessed me with a big close-knit family and many very dear friends. I have experienced great sorrow in losing dear family members and friends over the years. But God has blessed me there too, because I learned to mourn, I learned to appreciate life and I learned to thank God for it all. However, it is time I got down to business and show God how much I love Him, how I believe in Him, and how much I yearn to have a "relationship" (to borrow Dave's word) with Him. I want to grow and learn all that I can about this magnificent being. After all, I owe Him my life!
  • ….Because the more I know about God, the more I want to know, need to know, ache to know. It goes beyond I got to, to I get to. My thoughts are absorbed with Him, the depth & breadth, height & width of Him. I know I have only discovered a small amount of Him and I have to know more. The more I know Him, the more I want to be like Him, used by Him, filled with Him. I am a better person because of Him. I feel whole in His presence and I have only had a glimpse. I need to grow, I ache to grow, I long to grow.
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