“When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” Luke 7:36-38
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in Scripture. This woman was a known “sinner”. The term sinner here could mean many things, but calling a woman back then a known sinner makes me think she must have been a harlot, or an adultress. I could be wrong but usually in Scripture when you hear of a womans sins its because shes a whoar or an adultress.
This woman does one of the most beautiful acts of love. She kneels at Jesus’ feet and begins to cry. Her tears fall on his feet and she begins to use her hair to wash Jesus’ feet. She pours out her very heart at His feet and performs an act of humility and adoration.
What I find most intersting about this story is in verse 36 where is says “she learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house”. I believe this means she was looking for Him. She was probably asking people where He was. I wonder what had happened in the hours before her encounter with Jesus? Had she seen Him somewhere? Had she watched Him perform miracles? Had she heard of Him through the grapevine?
I believe she was searching for Him earnestly for the very purpose of seeking out His deep love.
I would LOVE to know what happened in this woman's life in the hours before her encounter with Jesus. What brought her to that point? What had happened to make her want to change?
This woman was a known sinner in the city, the Pharisee knew who she was. He judged her and couldn’t believe what he saw before him. Verse 39- “When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”
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Ebook Emerging Worship
Emerging Worship is a call for a new breed of worshiper, one who hears the sounds of Heaven and brings it to earth. If your heart leaps at these words, this book is for you!
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This woman didn’t care what they thought of her, she didn’t care if the religious leaders judged her, she just wanted Jesus.
She wanted His love, His forgiveness! She was desperate for an encounter with the Messiah!
She sought Him out, she came to Him and she poured out all that she had at His feet, going low and washing His feet with her own tears.
The Love of God changes everything! This woman had an encounter with Jesus that, I’m sure, changed her life forever. She was a known sinner in the city and she came to Him for encounter.
LOVE TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT. The religious Pharisee judged her whereas Jesus loved her. It was LOVE that changed her life.
My Pastor told a story a few weeks ago in Church that reminds me of this story. In the 90’s there was a big revival and people were just coming in off the streets including drunks, prostitutes, pimps, etc and they were actually getting saved! One night during an alter call a prostitute runs to the alter and kneels down and is weeping before the Lord. Obviously, every man in the room was probably struggling with not staring at her as her body was barely covered and was showing skin all over the place. There were a few little old ladies sitting in the back. These women had a choice to make, either get religious like the Pharisee and judge her for her lack of clothing and her lifestyle or they could love her. These little old woman took off their sweaters and walked down to the alter at the front and they created a sort of wall around this young girl with their sweaters. They protected her from judgement. They loved her. They stayed with her in love, protecting her from the judgement and stares and they hid her from it! These little old woman didn’t judge her but they LOVED her.
This woman who came into Jesus at the Pharisees home had to know what she was getting into. Pharisees were super judgemental and critical. She was a sinner, and a well known one at that. She went into this Pharisees house, expecting the worst from them but expecting love and compassion from Jesus! Jesus showered her with love. He forgave her of her sins! He had compassion on her! He was probably so in adoration of her as she knelt before him, in all of her sin and darkness, and poured out all of her love on Him.
There are quite a few things to be learned from this story.
1. Worship is, as I said in the previous post, not music, or songs. They are expressions of our worship-needed and beautiful, creative reflections of Gods own Creativity.
What this woman did at the feet of Jesus, was pure, unadulterated worship. Intimacy, connection with Him. She didn’t need a song, or musicians or anything. She just poured out her adoration and love at His feet.
Again, I am not saying Worship Music, or songs, are bad. I am a Worshipper by Heart and I love music and songs and instruments. I am just saying its not all there is.
Learn to do as this woman did. Kneel at His feet and pour out your love on Him! Adore Him! Seek Him out until you find Him!
2. Love and Mercy triumph over Judgement. (James 2:13)
Love people where they are and the way they are! Don’t condemn them! Don’t look down on them because they are “sinners”.
Love them into God’s Kingdom! Have mercy! Cover them in Love rather than judegement, just like those litle ladies at the revival!
Cover their sin with love, not judgement!
Do as Jesus did-He accepted her, He loved her, He forgave Her, He DID NOT judge her.
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