Twitter is a great tool for pastors to share ideas with each other. Pastor Michael Bleecker, Worship Pastor of the Village Church, tweeted worship songs his church sang on Sunday. This type of social media sharing gives other pastors ideas for what songs to play on Sunday. Pastor Bleecker asked other pastors what their favorite worship songs are lately, so that gives him ideas for songs to play in return. His tweet, and other pastor tweets are below:
Songs we're singing today: But God, Beautiful, Man of Sorrows, God I Look To You, Here's My Heart. What songs are you loving these days?
— Michael Bleecker (@michaelbleecker) September 1, 2013
I'm bringing my team to Thriving. Are you?
— Pastor Leonce Crump (@LeonceCrump) September 5, 2013
With an everlasting love, God chose us, drew us, is keeping us and will glorify us. Rest in it and count on it.
— Scotty Smith (@ScottyWardSmith) September 4, 2013