Ive been working with youth since I was 17. Ive been privileged to work with some fantastic kids who I have helped and who have also helped me. And after talking with some of them I am realizing that a main reason kids arent wanting to be in church is because they have nothing to do. The dont feel they anyone really cares they are there. They feel like people jsut want to lecture and control them.

Giving your teenagers a place to serve in the church will make them feel like they are needed, like they are valued, that they are wanted in the church. One idea I have is to once a month give the service over to the Youth Directors and Youth Group. Let them run the service. Worship, Sermon, Prayer at the end, everything. These are our future leaders and we want them to stay in the church and serving as leaders to the kids coming up after them. After talking with a bunch of teenagers I have come to the conclusion that the reason alot of teens are leaving the church and not coming back is because:

1. They don’t feel needed

2. They are bored

3. They don’t see the point

4. They “have better things to do than sit around for 2 hours”

5. They have a negative view towards Christians and the Church

Here are some ideas to answer those 5 points above:

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1. Make them feel needed! -Get them involved: Youth Sunday, events, let them do the offering, let them join the Worship Teams, let them serve in their giftings (find out what they are), find out those who have Leadership Abilities and form them into a Youth Council. (Youth Council is a team of youth who have Leadership abilities, let them help plan events, lead Youth Worship, help make decisions concerning the youth group, etc.)

2. Make church exciting! No one wants to be bored at church, not just the youth. Make Worship louder! Turn up the sound system! When preaching be animated. Remember youre not just preachinng to 40 year old adults, you are also preaching to 15 year old kids who want to learn too! When you preach, use powerpoints, videos, good examples, make the message on their level and don’t drag it on forever or you will lose them. Also, have alter calls just for the youth. Let the church pray over the youth, let the youth pray for the church members as well!

3. Help them understand why it is important for them to be at your church.Sign them up with a Mentor, whether it is someone on your Leadership team or someone in the congregation. Pray for a revelation of the awesomeness of God for them!

4. Help them to understand that church can be fun! They aren’t just sitting around! When preaching (as I said above), dont just teach to the adults! If you have alot of youth, have a youth church! Many churches are doing this and are getting more teens to come to their churches becuse they have a ministry just for teenagers on Sunday mornings!

5. Help them understand that you are not there to judge them, belittle them or talk down to them. They have a negative attitude more than likely because they have been hurt/annoyed by a/many Christian (s). Your church needs to turn that idea around and give them unconditional love. Accept them as they are...piercings, tattoos, emo clothes and crazy haircuts and skinny jeans. Love them exactly where they are, dont keep trying to change everything about them. Love them right where they are!

Some of the kids I talked to said they just want to do soemthing. Many teenagers nowadays are really into music! Let them form a youth band(s). Find out where your youth are gifted and write it down and find somewhere for them to serve!

These are just some ideas and some tricks Ive learned in my few years of youth ministry. Hope they are helpful!

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