Youtube is a popular video site where anyone can upload a video and share it with the world. Many churches and Christian individuals have started using YouTube as a way to minister to others, and you can too. Youtube ministry can be a very powerful way to reach people's hearts as I am about to share with you.
The first time I became aware that Christians were using YouTube to minister to others was a few years ago when a user by the name of VenomFangX gained unexpected popularity for his proof of Christ and creation videos geared towards atheists. VenomFangX uses a Way of the Master approach and has gained lots of attention from Christians and has had to deal with much controversy from atheists. I started watching his videos in a time of my life when I was doubting my faith and the proof of creation he cites in his video made my faith stronger and reading the comments of his videos it's clear that others grew stronger in their faith too.
Video is a powerful ministry tool- Use video projectors to show your ministry videos in church- Click here now.
Some churches upload humorous videos as a way to get across Biblical messages. One such video is "What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church?" which depicts a church being "gimmicky" in its approach to draw people in. Another video is "Worship Music Parody" which is an actual worship team singing worship songs with changed lyrics to fit many people's "me" attitudes.
Other churches are taking a much bolder approach. Journey of Faith conducted a Christmas Carol flash mob in a busy mall to demonstrate the real meaning of Christmas. You can see in the video that it touched people's hearts, and one family even falls to their knees to worship Jesus when Journey of Faith members in Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus outfits show up.
As you can see, there are endless ways your church can use video to minister to people. All it really takes is a heart for ministry, and a video camera of course!