This is a split thread. Feel free to continue your discussion here!
Reply by ZDENNY 11 hours ago
Jim stated, "if someone doesn't understand the fundamental contradiction between claiming to believe in the teachings of Christ while openly supporting the Murdoch led destruction of liberal democracy, they don't need a preacher they need a doctor. We can discuss liberalism all you want, but if it's going to be defined by the meaning of the word that the rightwing press has inserted into the lexicon of American politics as opposed to what the secular concept of freedom liberty and justice for all has actually given the world, then I fear there may be no point in going any further down that road."
The secular concept of freedom, liberty and justice for all is not rationally coherent. Freedom, liberty and justice for all comes from the definition of God who is love. Secularism cannot justify the concept of freedom, liberty or justice because they believe love is a myth.
Are you free to murder? No. Why? Because God is love and love does not sacrifice others; rather, it calls for self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice is directly opposed to a secular view of life where everyone acts from selfish interest which means the government has to steal from some and give to others in order to maintain order and keep revolution at bay.
Murdock is correct when he argues that Christianity begins with the individual who is full of the love of God who sacrifices for His fellow man. Government is a machine that is unable to love. Christians all recognize this and that is why we call for limited government.
My church just built a million dollar hospital in Africa and then staff it. A church of 3,000 people did that. Ironically, there is not a single atheist over there that we know of that is building a hospital in that country and for good reason. They believe love is a myth and only believe people act from selfish motives.
God Bless...
Permalink Reply by Lisa 30 minutes ago
ZDenny, I wish would learn to start new discussions for things like this. It is clear that this is not what Juanita is using this thread for. Granted there are similar things posted here. However, at least one of them got moved to unmoderated discussions. You could have simply started this under the same category with a title that reflected the Murdoch topic. It is not hard!.
ZDENNY said:
Jim stated, "if someone doesn't understand the fundamental contradiction between claiming to believe in the teachings of Christ while openly supporting the Murdoch led destruction of liberal democracy, they don't need a preacher they need a doctor. We can discuss liberalism all you want, but if it's going to be defined by the meaning of the word that the rightwing press has inserted into the lexicon of American politics as opposed to what the secular concept of freedom liberty and justice for all has actually given the world, then I fear there may be no point in going any further down that road."
The secular concept of freedom, liberty and justice for all is not rationally coherent. Freedom, liberty and justice for all comes from the definition of God who is love. Secularism cannot justify the concept of freedom, liberty or justice because they believe love is a myth.
Are you free to murder? No. Why? Because God is love and love does not sacrifice others; rather, it calls for self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice is directly opposed to a secular view of life where everyone acts from selfish interest which means the government has to steal from some and give to others in order to maintain order and keep revolution at bay.
Murdock is correct when he argues that Christianity begins with the individual who is full of the love of God who sacrifices for His fellow man. Government is a machine that is unable to love. Christians all recognize this and that is why we call for limited government.
My church just built a million dollar hospital in Africa and then staff it. A church of 3,000 people did that. Ironically, there is not a single atheist over there that we know of that is building a hospital in that country and for good reason. They believe love is a myth and only believe people act from selfish motives.
God Bless...
ZDENNY 2 seconds ago
I understand what you are saying; however, the big difference between atheists and Christians is the reality of love. When a person places their faith in Jesus Christ, they come to know the love of God in their life. This is the love that atheists have no knowledge of and in fact have built their whole philosophy of the 'virtue' of selfishness.
When a person becomes a Christian, they begin of process of putting to death the desires of the flesh as they move from being motived by lust to love. The lust factor that drove our lives is replaced with the reality of love that is made possible by faith in Jesus Christ.
I have talked to a few hundred atheists now and this is the biggest difference between a Christian worldview and an Atheistic worldview. Atheists are unable to account for a reality of love and believe it is a myth.
You can use tons and tons of examples to illustrate this. I think the biggest illustration is Obama who does not believe in the reality of love. He believes that everyone is motivated by selfish interests which justifies the government forcing people to do things. Obama is a tyrant who believes in a form of tyranny. He believes people have to be forced to give up their possessions and share them with others. He doesn't believe the reality of love exists and he too believes it is a myth. As a government person, it is within his selfish desire to rob from the rich and give to the poor so that he can be re-elected. Everything comes down to selfishness in a secular worldview.
Atheists are just ignorant in these matters having no knowledge of the love of God which can only be known through faith in Jesus Christ.
Juanita thank you for moving this!