

Trout Run, PA

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  • I had posted this on the discussion but I think by doing that I have derailed the original intent of the discussion...so I am posting here instead and will delete my comment on the discussion.
    Guy again I need to improve my communication skills...I certainly don't judge these pastors...as I said they were good pastors preaching a good word...but fell prey to something perhaps because they didn't look before they leaped...my heart breaks for them and know too well how easy it is to fall when we don't seek the Lord at all times especially when considering a new ministry. My concern is for good pastors to remain good pastors to look carefully into their own hearts and motives to allow God to cleanse, heal and deliver them from whatever may hinder the work of the Lord. And that is something I believe we all need to do but Pastors have the added responsibility of being accountable for us so it is most critical that they are walking closely with the Lord and that we continue to keep them covered in prayer. For those who have the pastors ear and who are responsible for counseling the pastor -they too need our prayers that they will always speak in truth, wisdom and Love.
  • Thanks for the invite.. I hope that you were richly blessed at the NRB Convention and I hope you have a great weekend!!
    God Bless...
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