A 17-year-old male cheerleader says he was kicked off his school’s team for kissing a boy.
The student at Alice High School in southern Texas, who wishes to remain anonymous, says the kiss was caught on school surveillance cameras.
He told local station KPLC that school officials sacked him from the team because it was a gay kiss and he was also suspended from lessons for two days.
The boy said: “They never check cameras for anything unless something is stolen. We would be the ones getting caught because I’m sure we were the only ones, sexual orientation wise, being caught like that.
“In this school kissing is everywhere, if that were the case, suspending everyone for that, half the school would be suspended.”
Article Source:http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2011/10/18/cheerleader-boy-says-texas-school-kicked-him-off-team-for-gay-kiss/
We have much in common it appears.
Thanks for your time.
That is true, if I child is brought up in faith they are not taught the way of the world.To me that in some ways limits development BECAUSE(and not always a bad thing)kids are given a false sense of what the world is, but some kids brought up in faith REBEL 10 fold, or they lash out against the faith etc. However, I am not here to say faith is bad and that kids should not be taught to believe and be a believer it is important that as a parent you teach them that not everyone is a believer and because of that, your interaction will be different with different people. I, also am a huge believer in the public school system because I think it is important that are children learn about tolerance, they learn about the differences that people have. Because we all know for a fact that most private school kids have very similar home lives, have very similar beliefs and dislikes so there very little DIFFERENT about them . So I like for my kids to get to see kids who family has NOTHING, to families that are well to do, or a kid that has a handicap, to kids that excel etc. For me to get our kids to understand that to great is ok. Sorry for my soapbox rant..
I agree it is the parents that first influence a child but I do not agree that parents of a faith are as open about what if any faith their offspring are going to be as adults as atheist are.
Mike M said:
I come from the idea that all children are affected First at home and then by outside influences so that why I stated that Atheism is a learned response just like religion as well. Most things are children learn are learned and it is our jobs as parents to guide them correctly. That is why this story is so radical to me.
James said:
Mike M said:
After reading this entire story, the school and the admin, GOT THIS WRONG end of story I find it very distasteful that a teenage pregnancy is viewed as an respectable behavior yet someone kiss is call to arms. I also think that the simple fact that PDA or kissing is not getting everyone in trouble is a core problem. This student should be held to the same rules as anyone else. mnatter of fact the fact that it was punished should be ground for termination the principal, dean of students, and School boards members. The student in question is a minor and should have been protected.
Now to some of the post
First Steve- public school DOES NOT teach our children to be atheists, socialists or homosexual. It is the job for us as parents to teach what we want our kids to know. Homosexuality is not a learned process, first and foremost; science is studying every day see what it is I mean homosexuality occurs in the natural world as well so lets first get that out of the way. Now on to Atheism, even though that is a learned action it is something that person has to make a educated decision to become and schools do not promote that. And last but for sure not least socialist you throw that word around like it is all a bad thing I mean thinking that everyone should have health care, and that college should be affordable for the next generation, sorry does not sound all that bad.
Lynne- LOL that is all
Yap your a hoot alright, and it appears using your own definition a radical socialists too. I love ya man you make coming here very entertaining.
Steve Belttari said:
More on this story. The school has denied that the student was suspended for merely puckering up, yet the administration has refused to give a reason for the disciplinary action. After reviewing the case at the request of the student's parents, the district released a statement Monday saying that the suspension and removal from the cheer squad would stand, even though Alice High School principal Lucy Munoz told KRIS, "The district does not suspend students for kissing other students at school, regardless of the gender of the student."
So what was the real reason that the student was booted from the squad? Judging from the district's statement, it seems we'll never find out:
"The student code of conduct and cheer handbook are designed to improve conduct and encourage students to adhere to their responsibilities as members of the school community. The student and parents are clearly aware that the student was not removed from the squad for kissing another student at school. While the student is free to discuss certain aspects of his discipline in the media, the District cannot discuss the specifics of this incident and must respect the privacy rights of the students involved in this matter."
As for the student, he told KZTV that he and his parents disagree with the punishment, but have decided against pursuing further action. While it appears he won't be cheering this year, the student has managed to collect his own team of cheerleaders who support his call for equality.
Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/10/19/student-says-he-was-suspended-k...
IMO, this kid and his parents are the only resonable people involved in this.
Robert said:
Ridicule is a tactic of radical socialists(Rules for Radicals-Sal Alinsky), I prefer reason. There was once a time when people didn't question the a priori assumptions about free universal education(10th plank of the Communist Manifesto), but the evidence is overwhelming that children are being indoctrinated in compulsory schools. The idea that one high school's punishment of a student could even be considered a controversy, is itself an indication of indoctrination. For the teacher's union to maintain a monopoly on education requires this type of indoctrination. I don't see their tyranny continuing too much longer. Like the generation of Jews who died in the wilderness under Moses leadership, I think the older generation will continue in statist slavery, but it will be the internet generation that will be much more adaptable to freedom who will lead us into the libertarian-capitalist era of freedom and prosperity.
James said: