Dear Editors Everywhere,
I can just hear the debate concerning Aurora. The individual had concealed guns, therefore ban all guns from everyone.
So, let’s explore that logic. If the perpetrator bought any guns or ammo over the Internet, then take down everyone’s Internet. If he used a computer to get on the Internet, take away all computers. If he had a job with a salary to be able to purchase guns and ammo, then take away everyone’s jobs and salaries. If he checked on his Internet order and tracked it over his cell phone, then all cell phones have to go. He successfully took guns into a gun-free zone and the theater failed to protect, therefore shut down all theaters. He probably ate some food and drank liquids that day which gave his body energy to enact all this, so shut down all food stores. He probably concealed some guns in his clothing, therefore shut down all clothing stores. If the perpetrator planned all this in any kind of tent, cabin, room, apartment, home, flat, etc., then abodes of all kinds must go.
Shall I go on? OK! If he was copying the Joker, then all movies (and movie companies), card decks, comic books, literature, and everything that references a joker must go. Since our governmental legislators proactively failed to anticipate these issues before the event, then all legislators have to go. (All things held equal, aren't taverns to blame for drunk driving deaths?)
Hummmm, what about the person who pulled the trigger? Well, at this point in our explorations, he is now (and all of us along with him) defenseless, phoneless, jobless, poor, hungry, naked, homeless, lawless, entertainless, in a structureless society. In our no-personal-fault society that this logic has created (wherein we instead punish everyone), he or another person like him will probably repeat the event again, walking into another public place wearing the Emperor’s New Clothes.
While too many operate self-deceptive vision and agree-with-the-crowd opinions, we need a little boy who points to the Emperor and exclaims the Truth, “He is naked and Godless!” (Could this be a political commentary?) Our legislators, Supreme Court judges, ACLU, evolutionists, abortionists, and other Godless organizations (did I miss anyone?) have for decades thrown God out of the picture. Hasn’t anyone figured it out yet? Without God, we have none of His absolutes, 10 commandments, golden rule, morals, love, societal values, familial values, personal responsibilities, or values for the sanctity of life. Since evolutionary chance put us here, there are no higher values or ultimate accountability! Right?
Sincerely, Dr. David Knauss (the little boy)
Hi Mark,
In the second half of your comment, you mention satan. satan has indeed come. Even though he was thrown out of Heaven, he is the prince and power of this air--that is, the earth. At the same time, he still has access to Heaven, as the book of Job reveals. And he is waging war as the book of Daniel reveals. But in another book "Heaven Is For Real," as Colton Burpo reveals, angels and inhabitants of Heaven carry swords to fight off satan when he shows up in Heaven.
The way I view our present society is rolled up in the Proverbs verse that says, "Knowledge of the Most High is the beginning of wisdom." So if knowing God makes one intelligent and wise, then the antithesis is equally true--"Lack of knowing God renders people stupid and destructive." Voila, that's exactly what we have in our society.
Blessings Bro, Dave
The way I see it is that the day they took God out of our schools is the day that we started to loose controll of our kids. We are more worried about accepting everybody under the sun, well except for Christians that is, then we are of teaching morals. Since this has happened it seems that everyone wants to know what his parents did to him or what society did to him to force him to do such an evil thing. I realize keeping God in schools won't stop all of this, but having pray in stead of seeing gay couples life together, in my opinion of course, is a step in the right direction. This type of thing is becoming more common, but I do believe it is the sign of the times we are living in. Revelation 12 "...And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels and Satan and his angels and MICHAEL won. Satan was cast out of heaven and hurled to the earth. Woe to the habitants of the earth for satan had come and he knows his time is short."
Satan may not have come as of yet, but his angels are here and woking his evil more than any other time. We need to more aware and more on guard than any other time in the history of man.