Church Tech: The Prayer Garden: Little Children Shall Lead Them: PART 2

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What is the latest ministry wave leading children into becoming prayer warriors?

The Prayer Garden. Allow me to introduce you to The Prayer Garden, an interactive computer software program that enthuses and energizes kids to pray daily. The Prayer Garden is a creatively innovative way to get young people (and eventually everyone of all ages) praying with more regularity, intensity, and understanding so that they can experience the Power of Prayer in their own lives and share those blessings with others!

What is the Prayer Garden?

Discover the power of the online Prayer Garden through the eyes of Jessica—from her first experience in Sunday School, at home with her parents, and then sharing prayers with family and friends from just down the street to half a world away.


Jessica is a 12-year-old who attends Sunday School and is a member of the Junior High youth Group at Anderson Valley Church.



Greg is her good friend both in school and at church.




Dave Johnson is both their Sunday School teacher and Youth Group leader.




When they come into class on Sunday morning, Dave tells them that he has something very exciting to show them.



“Take a look at this on our computer monitor.” says Dave. “It’s called the Prayer Garden.”




The attention of the adolescent students is immediately captured. “Wow, this is cool! How does it work?” they ask.



Dave continues, “You go to the Prayer Garden home page for our church and, when you login, it takes you to our own Class Prayer Garden page. Let’s go into the Prayer Garden itself.”



“We get started by planting some prayers. First we click on a seed. There are some interesting choices such as Indigo Bush, Venus Fly Trap, Lily Fern, Red Snapper, Spotted Mushroom, Sunflower, and Baby Palm.”


“Let’s go with the Venus Fly Trap. We click on ‘Plant’ to continue.”




“We first fill in who the prayer is for…




...and then we write our prayer in this box: ‘Dear God, please teach us to be loving and patient today with our family.’”



“Our prayer is now turned into a seed. Cool, right? Now it’s time to plant it in our Garden.”




“When we click on any plot area we want, the seed is planted. And look, we get a little sun diagram and rainbow diagram just above the seed spot to help it grow.”



The sun and rainbow animation causes the students to exclaim, “Wow! That is awesome!”




“Whenever you want,” continues Dave, “you can log into our Class Prayer Garden from your home computer, click on the plant, pray the prayer again, and guess what happens?”



“That’s right, the plant grows bigger each time you click on it and say the prayer connected to it!”




“Whoa, that’s really cool!” the class remarks.




“Hey, there is more,” says Dave, “each of you get your own Personal Prayer Garden you can grow on your own by yourself at home, too—in addition to our Class Prayer Garden!”



“No way!” Jessica says. She is excited to have her own Personal Prayer Garden.




Later at home, Jessica says to her parents and younger siblings, “Hey, you want to see something cool?” She shows them her Personal Prayer Garden. They love it!



Later, Jessica’s parents check their email. Using the Prayer Garden’s “Share a Prayer” feature, Jessica sent them a Prayer eCard with one of her of her prayers. They are so touched and thrilled.



Jessica’s grandparents overseas also receive a Prayer eCard. They are so happy to know she is thinking of them and praying for them. Her grandmother now wants her own Prayer Garden!



“I sent my friend Alison a special Prayer eCard too.” says Jessica. “She doesn’t go to church, but she loved it. She said it’s cooler than Facebook.”



“Oh, and last night, I got a Prayer eCard from Dave Johnson reminding us to pray for Pastor Rogers who is traveling on a mission’s trip to Costa Rica. We should pray for him and send him a Prayer eCard so he knows we’re praying for him!”


START NOW with The Prayer Garden





(1) Go to The Prayer Garden.

(2) Enter the requested purchase info.

(3) Enter "Kingdom" on the Special Promo Code line for the special pricing shown.

The Prayer Garden Network
A breakthrough technology that transforms Sunday School and Youth Programs!
You can bring the power of the Online Prayer Garden to your church today!
“Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14.

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