Church Tech: Why Have Technology in Ministry: Multiple Listening PART 2

#ministry #churchtech #church #retention #forgetting

Curious to know more about Multiple Listening?  Here it is!

Multiple Listening. Of the four previously mentioned solutions (see PART 1) to the Truth famine prophecy in Amos 8:11-12, let’s consider the first one: Multiple Listening. How Important is Multiple Listening? Multiple listening is nothing more than old-fashioned repetition. Why do humans learn best by repetition?

The World’s Worst Class. Imagine with me for a moment what it would have been like to have been in Moses’ sandals coming down from Mt. Sinai. Moses had just spent 40 days with the Lord receiving all of the laws recorded in Leviticus and was instructed to teach the entirety of them to all Israelites, numbering a couple million. (Let no present teacher complain about impossibly large class sizes.) When Moses and Joshua neared the camp after they had been gone only 40 short days, they observed the people dancing naked around a golden calf and the pandemonium was as the noise of war. (Let no present teacher complain about incorrigible students and rowdy classroom behavior.) Obviously Moses recognized his need of some serious teaching pedagogy. So the Lord gave him Deuteronomy 6:6-9, “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” God’s master teaching pedagogy (old-fashioned repetition) is as powerful and appropriate for today as it ever was for causing information to transition from short-term memory to permanent long-term memory.

Ministry Tip. We at Kingdom, Inc. have found the idea of multiple listening so valuable for God’s Kingdom that it has become one of our ministry tips to train pastors. (Have you ever noticed that when you call, we give out many ministry tips?) Many pastor or ministry leaders may ask, “Why should I record sermons for multiple listening? Isn’t that promoting myself?” The short answer is, “It has nothing to do with the speaker, but the Truth in the message. Multiple listening has the same effect as studying the same Scripture over and over!”

The longer answer is...  (Article cont'd.)

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Kingdom.Com — Multiple Listening!

Kingdom, Inc., now celebrating its 30th Anniversary, began with Johnny Berguson creating and selling a 14-cassette tape horse training course based on Biblical principles for raising children. With each course, he included a free cassette of his testimony of being saved, called to be an evangelist, and a short Gospel message. Not long after, he received feedback of more than a thousand people coming to Christ through that recording! The horse course sold well and he would often sell extra blank cassettes to churches at price reductions to same them money. Soon the churches started asking for duplicators and other equipment, and Kingdom, Inc. was born!

God’s Extended Family. Kingdom is more than a business just selling “things,” but an extension of the Christian family and an encouraging and educating ministry to reach others with God’s love. Johnny and Juanita Berguson and Kingdom, Inc., from the beginning until now, have a vision to make disciples within the company, within our community, and within our nation and beyond. Kingdom, Inc. is simply the means to further the Kingdom of God by making disciples everywhere.

Calling Kingdom is Special. Have you ever noticed that when you call Kingdom, Inc. you receive spiritual encouragement and outreach “how to’s” more than simply a sales person attempting to sell supplies or equipment? There is a definite reason for this!

Kingdom.Com — Multiple Listening!

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(Article cont’d.)
Five Breakout Reasons. A longer answer has five reasons.

First, pastors have exclaimed how multiple listening of their own AV library built up their personal spiritual well being. Consider what a service would be like if every member listened to the message library as much as the pastor, and arrived at the service built up to the same spiritual receptiveness?

Second, a pastor may spend an average of 20-30 hours each week on message preparation, deliver that message around an hour in length, and have listeners within minutes forget over 50%. After one hour, 66% is forgotten, and after six hours, 75% is lost (Ebbinghaus, 1913). So Before the end of the day, three-quarters is gone! Conversely, two or three hearings beyond the initial one cause retention rate to increase to about 80%.

Third, pastors and ministry leaders all over report that a third or more of their congregation are absent for any given service. Having a recorded copy of the message arrive in the mail during the week, inclusive of the service’s worship music and announcements, produces great morale and spiritual connection with absentees.

Fourth, placing the recorded message on the church’s or ministry’s website provides college students, arms servicemen and women, overseas missionaries, members’ distant relatives, and seasonal visitors the means to stay spiritually and emotionally connected. College students at secular institutions especially need a continual boosting to keep their faith from being undermined or destroyed.

Fifth, the great commission for witnessing is as easy as giving a recorded message as a “gift” to any acquaintance, waiter(ress), neighbor, or stranger. (“A gift opens the way for the giver…” Proverbs 18:16). God has given mankind great advantages with these five considerations and more.

Unfortunately it seems the enemy uses technology to spread spiritual ignorance more than God’s children use it to promote knowledge of God and His Kingdom. When Pastors and Christians lock onto the ultimate depth of ministry that technology affords, we can change the old proverb that says, “A lie makes two trips around the world before Truth gets its shoes on.”

Kingdom.Com is home for Church Tech and Church Supply Needs. Whether you are looking for CD / DVD Duplicator supplies or Communion supplies, Kingdom.Com is the place to go for the best quality products and the best quality customer support. Go to Kingdom.Com or call 800-480-1011. Kingdom is a one-stop-shop for all your church needs.

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